While reading old posts on my friend Neely's blog, A Complete Waste of Makeup, I saw that a while back she did a blog challenge. SO, I thought, in an attempt to blog EVERY DAY in the month of August, I would do this blog challenge (you know, for those days when I have writer's block and can't think of anything to write).
Oh, real quick, since I'm talking about Neely, you HAVE to check out the contest she is having. She is giving away a year subscription to BirchBox. BirchBox sends you samples each month of different beauty products, such as makeup, perfume, hand creams, and hair products. For more info on BirchBox, click here.
Click here for the details on Neely's contest. Tell her I sent ya! :)

Okay, so, on to the 30 Day Blog Challenge.
Day 1: Introduce with a recent picture and 15 interesting facts
Well, since I stole got the idea from Neely, I'm posting a picture of us from the Brad Paisley concert this past Saturday night (we were able to meet up and say hi). **side note: I will be recapping the Brad Paisley concert as soon as I upload all the pictures from my camera.**
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Me and Neely |
Interesting facts about me (I know, some of these have been posted before on my blog, but I have new followers, so these will be new to them!)
1. I'm the aunt to 20 nieces and nephews and 4 great-nephews. I'm what you call a "bonus baby" so my five siblings are somewhat older than me. Because of this, I have nieces and nephews close to my age, and some of them are married with kids. Yes, I'm a great-aunt! I post a lot of pictures of my great-nephews C and E!
2. I don't like Starbuck's. Now, to be fair, I don't like any kind of coffee (iced or hot). I also don't really care for espressos. I know they have other beverages, but I can't bring myself to pay $4 for a drink. Call me cheap (go on, I dare you). If I want hot chocolate, I'll pay $1.50 for a 12 pack of Swiss Miss (or I'll ask my Twitter mom, #MamaT, for some of her homemade hot chocolate mix!) :) And if I want iced tea, I'll either make my own or get some at Chick Fil-A or McAlister's.
3. I want to play a dead body on CSI (or any other crime show I watch). I can't act, but I'm sure not a lot of acting ability is needed to play a dead body. And if Greg from CSI could be the one examining me, that would be even better! ;) #LeggoMyGreggo
4. I don't like milk. Now, I can drink chocolate milk but I don't like plain milk. Side note. I'm a chocolate milk snob. I only drink the kind made with NesQuik powder, I can't handle the "pre-made" stuff. Blek.
5. I am on Twitter entirely too much. As of right now, I have tweeted 18,844 times. What is really sad is that I've only been "seriously" tweeting for just over a year. I might need professional help. FYI, if you are on Twitter, follow me here. Warning: I tweet a lot about sports (mainly Rangers baseball).
6. I am hesitant to give up my real books for an electronic reader. I understand that having a Nook/Kindle/eReader is great and I totally see the benefits of having one, BUT there is something about the feel and smell of an actual book that I just don't want to give up.
7. I have many celebrity crushes (most of them baseball players). Right now my biggest baseball crush is Craig Gentry of the Rangers. #TeamGentry
8. There are times I feel that I'm an 80 year old trapped in a 25-year old body. Okay, so I'm not 25, but can you at least lie to me and tell me I look like I'm 25? Think about it: I cross stitch. My favorite actor is Dick Van Dyke. I love Turner Classic Movies. I watch The Waltons reruns (I may or may not have seasons 1-5 on DVD). I would rather watch a Jimmy Stewart, Audrey Hepburn or Cary Grant movie over most new releases any day.
9. I love peanut butter. And I mean I really love it. I put it on my pancakes (my whole family does this, I didn't realize until I was older that wasn't "normal"). I have also been known to eat peanut butter out of the jar.
10. I cannot stand the game Monopoly. It goes back to my childhood when I was forced to play the game for hours on end. To this day I won't play it. Don't even ask me.
11. I have naturally curly hair, but I straighten it. Don't tell me if you had curly hair you would leave it curly. No you wouldn't, you would straighten it too.
12. I'm a really picky eater. No, I mean REALLY picky. I don't like seafood. I don't like really spicy food. I only eat soup when I'm sick. I don't eat cake or pie. Now, it's not that I don't like cake or pie, I just don't eat it. I also don't like my food touching. Yeah, I'm weird. But I can't handle it when juice from the green beans runs into the mashed potatoes or bread.
13. When I was 17 years old, I signed a True Love Waits commitment card.
14. I am on a mission to see every MLB ballpark in North America. I have a ways to go. I've only seen the Ballpark in Arlington, Minute Maid Park, old Yankee Stadium and Turner Field in Atlanta. Road trip anyone?
15. I want to be an amateur tornado chaser. No really, I do. If I had been better in Math and Science, I would have studied meteorology. But alas, my strong subjects were English and History.
Hope everyone has a good day! Happy Monday!!
First of all, I leave my naturally curly hair curly all the time!! I don't have the patience to try to tame this mane every day.
ReplyDeleteAnd second, I'm so proud to say that I knew every one of these things!! :D
We are so alike.
ReplyDelete1. How do you have the patience to straighten your hair everyday? I lived in Texas. I know how merciless the humidity is. I leave my locks curly everyday ... except when I'm feeling especially ambitious.
2. I didn't sign a True Love Waits card, but ... I'm the same. And people keep telling me I'll never find a guy who will wait for me. So far, they're right.
Oh hey theres us!! :)
ReplyDeleteCute pic of you girls! love your facts too, we have a lot in common :)
ReplyDeleteFenway Park is calling you! Come to Boston for a game! You can stay w/ me anytime.
ReplyDeleteEye to eye on 6,8,10 especially, twin, but not so much on 11. I have straightened my hair maybe 5 times in my life. It's a long, frustrating experience. It's not worth it to me. :)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, cannot WAIT to read your posts everyday and cannot WAIT to hear about Brad (lucky duck!)
ReplyDeleteNumber 8 is my favorite:-)Cooper teases me that I am the same because on weekends I would rather watch a history channel special than go out...
I swear I commented on this yesterday, it was super long too, bummer.
ReplyDeleteWhat I said was this.. We totally need to find a way to see a Phillies/Rangers game together, that would be awesome!
And I wanted to be a tornado chaser too, sometimes I still think about going to school for meteorology.
Oh and I posted pics of Alex's t-ball. His team was the Rangers, every Saturday I thought of you!
Ok, sorry it took me a couple of days to comment (I think I mentioned I would). This is the first chance I've really had and I wanted to comment because we have a couple of commonalities from what you've posted.
ReplyDelete2. I don't like Starbucks, or just about any other coffee, either. Like you, I think $4 for a cup of coffee is a waste of money!
6. Like you, I'm hesitant to give up real books for an e-reader. I love the idea of cracking open a book to read it.
14. That's on my bucket list: to see a game in every MLB park! I can cross off Dodger Stadium, Angel Stadium, PETCO Park (even old Qualcomm!), Rangers Ballpark and Minute Maid. Count me in for that road trip!
15. I am a weather FREAK! anything meteorological or even geological (I'm fascinated by earthquakes, too!), and I'm all over it!
For what it's worth though, I'm not a picky eater. I love seafood but I ABSOLUTELY HATE peanut butter! I guess I lose points on this one...
Hahaha... ok have a good night! Keep up the great writing/blogging!