Wednesday, August 2, 2017

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

My new iPhone. My old phone was three years old and wasn't holding a charge for too long, so I bought myself a VERY late birthday present. I use my phone to take A LOT of pictures when I travel, so I got an iPhone 7 Plus. I learned from reviews online and personal testimonies from friends that the iPhone 7 Plus camera was the best one anyone had seen on a phone. I've had it less than 24 hours but so far I like it. I'm traveling this weekend so I'll test out the camera a lot then! :) It has a portrait mode which focuses on your subject and kinda blurs out the background (called depth effect). So far I've only tried it out on my Dr Pepper and food, but I kinda like it. I'll try it out on a person eventually (you can tell I like food more than people, right?) Lol.

Yes, I got the red phone! My case is clear. :)

I'm loving...

That I got to hang out with my friend Landon last Friday. We usually only see each other once a year (if that) but this was actually the second time in three months that we've been able to get together. I had Rangers tickets in my company suite so we FINALLY went to see a baseball game together (we've only been talking about doing this for five years). Lol.

Our view

The post-game fireworks show was set to country music. Landon wasn't a fan. Lol

I'm loving...

Going to baseball games with friends. I also went to the Rangers game on Saturday night and Monday night with friends. I'm sure to y'all it seems like I've been to a lot of games, but I really feel like I haven't been to that many this season. Sadly I'm not missing great games when I don't go- it's just not our year. :( 

My friends and I got in line at 3:30 for the bobblehead giveaway on Saturday (gates opened at 5). Yes, we were first in line. I'm glad we did. This was the line by 4:15. We take bobblehead giveaways VERY seriously. :)

My friend Rich and his ADORABLE son came over to say hi to me at the game on Saturday night.
I had to work on Sunday, so my friend Michelle held up my photo during the game so I could be there "in spirit" for Beltre's 3000th career hit. Lol.
On Monday night we had seats close to the field, so we were like "pinkies out" to show how important we felt. Lol.
I hadn't seen my bestie Steph since my birthday in May- it was good to be reunited!

I'm loving...

My coworkers. The past few weeks we've had some company conferences that we've had to work late at, but being around people that you like makes it much more bearable! Especially when you are on your feet anywhere from 7-9 hours.

My friend Alyssa was in town attending the conference so I got to meet up with her for a quick photo!
These sweet lady attended our conference and was so grateful for our help. She kept thanking us for all we did. She was a doll!
I'm loving...

My new purse. A sweet lady in my Sunday School class made it for me- wonder how she knew that I liked the Rangers? :)

I'm loving...

That I finally got a photo with the Rangers manager Jeff Banister. :)

What are YOU loving today?


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