Day 1: Favorite Gift Received EVER
I've been debating on what gift I wanted to write about, it's hard choosing just one. At first I wanted to post about the Astronaut Barbie I received when I was like 6 or 7 (there is a really funny side story about the time my dad found Ken's head in Astronaut Barbie's space helmet-just the head, no body), BUT, I think that was a birthday present. I'll have to tell that story another time!
So, it's a toss up between the Heart Family dolls and my Snoopy and Belle dolls (did you know that Snoopy had a sister? Her name is Belle).
I LOVED the Heart family. It had a mom, dad and a little boy and a little girl. And they always dressed up really fancy. There was some lipstick type stuff you could put on the mom's mouth and it would leave a "kiss" mark.
I got the Heart Family one Christmas when I was 7 or 8 (dressed in their red Christmas outfits) along with the playground and "casual" clothes set. I love how the casual clothes are still really fancy.
I think the same Christmas I also got a Snoopy and Belle set. It had the two dolls, a few sets of clothes and this plastic carrying case that opened up into their house. You could change out the backgrounds depending if they were in their bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, backyard, etc. It also had a closet to hang the clothes in (along with little hangers).
I have no clue what happened to my Snoopy and Belle dolls, but I wish I still had them. I just saw online someone is selling them for almost $300.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was wonderful! I always enjoy spending time with my family. Oh yes, I'm going to share pictures! :) We had a small group this year- there were only 25 of us! But, the 23 pound turkey and 13 pound ham did not make it past Thursday. :) Since Thursday was a nice day, we were able to eat the main course outside (we saved the pies and dessert to eat inside while watching football). We usually eat our Thanksgiving meal about 1:00 or so (we are a Thanksgiving lunch family). Author's note: The majority of the Thanksgiving day pictures were taken by my beautiful niece Stephanie, who is a professional photographer (well, she wouldn't claim to be, but I think she is one!) :)
Note to family: click on the pictures for a bigger view of it. :)
Me and my siblings waiting on lunch! |
Table one |
Table two | | | | |
We line up to eat by age (I think my dad does this so he can go first). :) |
Me and my brother Steve eating. Yes, that is ketchup on my plate (did you think I was lying?) :) |
The football watching crowd in my sister's living room. |
My dad had a "no electronic devices" rule for Thanksgiving Day, but E and C were exceptions to it. Here E is showing Aunt Rachel how to play a painting game on his Meme's old iPhone. C is in the background on Meme's iPad. |
My folks with their six children. |
The kids with mom. |
The kids with dad. |
Me with five of my nieces (I have seven, two of them weren't able to be there this year). |
My great-nephew G loved my iPhone camera (this was taken Friday, after the ban of electronic devices was lifted!) :) |
Aunt Rachel with G and B (and a dinosaur). |
Making silly faces. |
E and Aunt Rachel looking at Christmas trees on Saturday. Pic stolen from my niece Alice's Facebook page |
E hugging Aunt Rachel. Pic stolen from my niece Alice's Facebook page |
Picking out a tree for Gigi and Pawpaw (my folks). Pic stolen from my niece Alice's Facebook page |
C and E helping Meme with the tree. Pic stolen from my niece Alice's Facebook page |
C was excited that they were giving out cookies to anyone who bought a tree. Pic stolen from my niece Alice's Facebook page |
Hope everyone has a good week!!
The pics are too fun! Our boys are so silly...they loved spending time with you on Friday :)
ReplyDelete<3 Jen
I had no idea Belle existed!! And your thanksgiving looks so great. Glad you had such a good trip home. :)
ReplyDeleteLove this- those pictures are so great. I love that you are the tallest in your family! And Snoopy having a sister is rocking my world...I had no idea!