Four days after returning from my weekend trip to D.C., I took ANOTHER very short trip the following weekend to Minneapolis, Minnesota with my friends Lisa and Michelle. For someone who hates to fly, I have flown THREE times in the last MONTH. I don't know who I am anymore. Lol.
Once again, I was on an early flight (even earlier than the previous week). My flight boarded at 4:40 a.m. so I was at the airport by 3:30 a.m. Fun fact, TSA doesn't open until 3:45 a.m. at DFW airport. Also, there are NO FOOD PLACES open that early. At least not in Terminal E. I'm so glad I always travel with snacks.
Seriously, these early flights are for the birds (ha- no pun intended) |
At least I got to see a pretty cool sunrise from the sky |
We didn't have a direct flight to Minneapolis (thanks a lot United), so we had a short layover in Houston (where we found a Chick Fil-A that was open AND serving Dr Pepper). **insert Hallelujah chorus here**
Michelle took a later direct flight on another airline (because she's all fancy) so we didn't meet up with her until Minneapolis.
By the time we landed in Minnesota, I had already been up for 8 hours and had recorded like 7000 steps |
Our first stop in Minneapolis was at the
Visitors Center, where the Mary Tyler Moore statue is currently residing. They are doing construction on the sidewalk where she normally is located, so they moved her inside until that is completed. From the looks of the construction, it might be a while before she's back outside. But regardless, I HAD to get a picture by her. We miss you Mary!
Yes, I brought this hat for the sole purpose of using it for the picture. Don't make fun of my nerdiness |
Mary Tyler Moore is now a converted Rangers fan |
Sadly they don't sell any Mary Tyler Moore memorabilia (something about TV Land not giving them the rights to do that). Hmph! Oh well. Everyone in the center was super nice, I highly recommend going by if you are in Minneapolis. They told us all these great places to visit and restaurants to eat at, but they didn't realize we would only be in Minneapolis about 30 hours, so we didn't have the time. Maybe I can take another trip some time.
After getting checked in at our hotel (shout out to Lisa for using her hotel reward points to pay for our room), we headed to Target Field for an afternoon tour before the game that night. Our tour guides were John and Lisa and they did a fantastic job. I have to say that Target Field might be number one on my ballparks visited list- at least for the time being. It is BEAUTIFUL. I love how you can still see the field even when you are on the concourse getting food or drinks. The behind the scenes tour was great too- if you are ever there and have time, I highly recommend it. Even though I'm not a Twins fan, I loved hearing about the history of the team. It's interesting that under the field they have a special heating system for when it snows (that way it helps the snow melt faster). On the "Roof Deck" they have a fire pit for those nights where it's too cold to be outside watching baseball. We don't have that problem in Texas. Also, what we consider "cold nights" in Texas is probably a spring afternoon to people up north. Lol.
The 11th ballpark I've seen a game at (I've been to 14 ballparks, but I'm only counting the ones I've actually seen a game at) |
We looked at the World Series trophy and were like- what's that? Sadly as Ranger fans, we don't know what that looks like (whomp whomp) |
Fun fact- the seats right behind home plate cost $24,000 a season. We were told that food and drinks are brought to your seat, and if it's raining, they bring you an umbrella, and if it's cold, they bring you a heated blanket. Talk about pinkies out... |
Sitting in the press box. If you are going to a Twins game this season, you are welcome for the password to the wifi. Lol |
Sometimes a friend takes a picture of you taking a selfie. Lol |
Charles Schulz was from Minnesota, hence all the Peanuts statues |
I recognize that logo! |
I loved this quote about Harmon Killebrew |
We took this picture AFTER the game because that glove was about 1000 degrees when the sun was out- we waited for it to cool off |
After the tour ended, we got in line at one of the gates. The gates wouldn't open for two hours, but the MAIN reason we were at that game was so that Lisa could get a Prince umbrella. The Twins were honoring Prince that night and the first 10,000 fans got a Purple Rain umbrella. We didn't want to risk flying 1,000 miles for an umbrella and then NOT get it. Standing in line wasn't too bad, we talked to some other fans and made a new Twitter friend named Mike (because I seem to make friends wherever I go. Lol.).

I'm happy to report that we ALL got an umbrella. I originally thought I would just give it away, but it is kinda cool looking, so I'm going to keep it. They are selling for like $400 on eBay so if I ever do decide to part with it, I might just sell it. Lol. Fun fact- I didn't know much about Prince before this trip. I mean, I knew some of this songs (okay, like six of them), but that was about it. Once we were inside, we changed into our Prince shirts (well, Lisa had actually bought me a Prince shirt because I didn't own one and couldn't find a purple shirt to wear). My friends are so cool.
What's funny is that it actually started raining a little bit once we got inside. At least we had umbrellas! |
We were sitting next to Jesus, but we had a great view of the field! |
My beautiful baseball home girls! |
Outside Target Field that have an area where people can sit and watch the game on a big screen. This is free to the public. HELLO RANGERS- YOU NEED THIS! |
I have to say, I LOVED having a city skyline behind the ballpark. Sadly Arlington doesn't have anything like that (don't get me wrong, I love my Rangers, but man, that view in Minneapolis was something else) |
Not only did they give out Prince umbrellas, but they had purple lights around the field, and they used Prince's logo on the jumbo tron throughout the game. They also had post game fireworks set to Prince songs |
The Twins didn't win, but it was still a fun game and a great fireworks show. The next day we had some time to see a few things before going to the airport to head home.
When your friend is trying to get a picture of her Prince umbrella in front of the Minneapolis skyline and it keeps falling off the railing, you do what you can to help her out |
We made a stop at
First Avenue, which was used in the movie
Purple Rain. I possibly forgot that Prince made that movie because I've never seen it (
no judging). BUT, we got some great photos while we were there. There were other Prince fans there who were super jealous of our umbrellas. We let them use one for a few pictures (they were so excited).
The piano actually works. I played as much of Fur Elise that I could remember from my piano playing days (those ended 21 years ago). I wasn't that good then or now. Lol |
Outside the Schmitt Music Company. Prince used this mural for one of his publicity photos |
We also made a quick stop at US Bank Stadium, home of the Minnesota Vikings. Evidently the Super Bowl next year will be played there. We didn't go inside, but the outside design was pretty cool. They even had a Viking ship in front. Fun fact, the largest crowd at US Bank Stadium was December 1, 2016 when the Vikings were playing the Dallas Cowboys. :)
Our last stop was at
Mall of America, because it seems you HAVE to go by there if you are in Minneapolis. Don't get me wrong, it's a big mall, and it's nice and all, but, eh, it's just a mall with Six Flags in the middle of it. I was kinda over it after about 15 minutes. Lol. The mall is built on the location where the Metrodome used to be (that was the Twins old stadium). That was actually the coolest part to me. Lol.
Because I'm that girl who goes to a mall looking for baseball landmarks |
That red chair is said to be mounted in the exact spot that Harmon Killebrew's 522-foot home run landed in 1967 |
More mall photos |
We stopped by the Hard Rock Cafe in the mall to see one last Prince memorabilia- the jacket he wore in Purple Rain |
Almost 30 hours exactly after landing in Minneapolis, we were on our way back to the airport to head home. I love my life. Who else will make a quick trip out of state just to see a baseball game and get an umbrella? I love that I have friends who are also crazy like me! :)
When you think your friend is taking a selfie but she's really taking a picture of you. Lol |
I have no clue where my next travel adventures will take me, but I promise to let you know when I go!
40 by 40 Update:
-See a game at four different ballparks on my MLB Ballparks to Visit list (2)
-Visit three states on my States to Visit list (2)