
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving... 
My Texas Rangers. Yes, I know it's early in the season, but I needed a good start to the season to help mend my broken heart. Right now the Rangers are 9-2. Keep it up boys!
Last night the Rangers won 18-3. No, that's NOT a typo. The Rangers hit six home runs in the game, three of those were hit in one inning alone.
I'm loving...
My Twitter peeps. They are awesome. One of my tweethearts (as I call them) sent me this tweet last Saturday after I tweeted a picture of myself. This made my day. :)

I'm loving...
That I actually have 1,000 followers on Twitter as of last night. I'm blown away by it. Thanks to all who follow me!! :)

I'm loving...
This cake server. Now, I don't like cake (yeah, I'm weird), but I saw this last night when my carpool made a stop at Nothing Bunt Cake and thought it was cute. I thought of several friends who would love it!

I'm loving...
The Frogger app. Anyone else remember playing this computer game back in the day? I remember loving this game and Number Munchers back in elementary school (yes boys and girls, there were computers back when I was a kid, they were just a lot bigger than they are today. And we had these square things called floppy disks that our games were on). :) Speaking of Number Munchers, it's also an app, but it's not free, so I haven't downloaded it (yes, I'm cheap!) :)
I'm loving...
This picture. I have several friends who are dachshund fans and I thought of them when I saw this. Too cute!
I'm loving...
That I'm off work at 11:30 today. Normally my flex day is on Fridays but a co-worker needed Friday off this week, so we switched days. It makes for a nice break in my week!

Have a lovely day friends! We are one day closer to the weekend!!


  1. I want a flex day!!

    Also, amen to baseball being back. My heart is happy again. And my twitter feed is like family again.

  2. I lOved playing Frogger on Atari!!!

  3. Great loves! As a fellow Rachel, I had to check out your blog! Very cute!
    :) Happy Wednesday to you!

  4. Crazy funny Dachshund picture! lol Thanks for the chuckle, Rachel. :-)

  5. I loved Frogger!!!!!
