
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Tunes-Thank you Billy!

I wasn't sure what to blog about today. I thought about going off on the CVS Pharmacy located by my apartment and how I feel everyone who works there is an incompetent idiot, but I figured y'all have your own problems, you don't want to read about mine. Cliff Notes version for those interested: I had to make three trips to CVS last night in a span of two hours because of their slowness and mix-ups. If you follow me on Twitter, you only saw a portion of my frustration last night. Despite me thinking all was okay after my second trip, it got worse and I had to make a third one. I just decided not to tweet about it. Okay, enough with that! **deep breath**

Anyways, in order to calm me down today and put my awful Monday behind me, I've been watching videos of listening to Billy Currington. I absolutely love his voice (okay, I can't lie, he's nice to look at too). I'm feeling so much better. It's either Billy Currington's voice or the fact that I had a 10 minute massage a little while ago. I know I complain about my job at times, but we have some nice perks here in my office. Twice a week we have a massage therapist that comes in and gives 10 minute massages to employees (from 1-5pm). It's on a first come, first serve basis. I woke up with my neck killing me. After the massage, it feels SO MUCH better.

Anyways, I thought I would post some Billy Currington videos for your viewing listening pleasure! For those non country fans- at least try listening to one (you know who you are!) :) If nothing else, mute it and watch it! ;) 

Is it sad the first thing I noticed in this video is that gas prices were $1.61? ;)

Scenes in this video might not be appropriate for any niece of mine who is 13 years old. ;) I refuse to have your dad mad at me for letting you watch it. Love you for reading my blog though!! :)

One of my favorite songs!

Not gonna lie- I kinda wanna be the girl in this video and have Billy chasing after me. ;)

The title of this song is something I think ALL the time!

Gotta love country boys! :)

Anyways, here's hoping that tonight is better. I'm going to TRY to get back on track working out (I may or may not have slacked off the past few weeks). :/



  1. Wow I think I had forgotten how many great songs he has. Thanks for the reminder!!

  2. Sorry you had such a tough time w/ CVS last night. I LOVE CVS! I go way too often! :)

  3. Oh I LOVE Billy Currington! Good picks :)

  4. Some of the sexiest songs ever.

    Billy has good taste in songs too ... I hear he has or is going to record one of Dave Barnes' songs. :)

  5. Dont worry Aunt Rachel, I didnt watch that video <3 ;)
