
Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's OK Thursday!

 It's OK... be really sad that Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez is retiring from baseball, but happy that he's going to retire as a Texas Ranger.
Rangers fans love Pudge! go to Half Price Books on your lunch break in order to buy ONE book, but end up buying four.
I went in looking for this one...
...but ended up with all of these. Why yes, those are books by Christopher Pike and R.L. Stine. I loved them when I was younger!
...that I'm going to miss the Judy Blume book signing at the Dallas Art Museum tonight. I just found out about it last night, so it's late notice. :( If I had someone to go with me, I would probably pay the money to go see her and have her sign a book. I could also pitch the idea of her writing Are You There God? It's Me, Rachel.
Judy Blume, one of my favorites growing up!
...that I feel I'm one of the few people who like the Maxwell Geico commercials (he's the pig). WeeeWeWeWeee.

...that I get a little excited irrational over zealous passionate on Twitter during Rangers games. 
The umpire made a terrible call. He said Elvis Andrus was out, but he was safe, the replay proved it!
I'm sure everyone is aware of my baseball crush admiration of Craig Gentry. He got hit by a pitch. I didn't take that too lightly!
Joe Nathan is our closer. We hit panic mode when he comes into the game. He hasn't been consistent this year.
He walked the first batter.
It seemed like we couldn't get an out.
This was after a couple of errors that allowed a run to score.
Rangers finally won 6-3. Yes, I know I'm not 25, no need to remind me! ;) think that New Year's Eve will never be the same now that Dick Clark has passed away. RIP Mr. Clark!  

What's OK with YOU today?



  1. My mom loves those ommercias....ESP the zip lining one.

  2. 4 books! I am finding it hard to have time to read one right now. I started Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and after that I want to read the Shades of Gray books! :)

  3. The Pig commercials drive me a little bonkers but I did like the one where he was in carpool yelling Wheeeeee all the way home.
    Good finds at Half-Price. I wish we had one here. I"m looking for an audio book for the kids and I too listen to this summer and am too cheap to pay full-price.

  4. What?! When is Judy Blume going to be in Dallas? One of my faves when I was younger was Are You There God, It's Me Margaret!

  5. I am devestated I didnt know about Judy Blume. Forever is my all time fav book

  6. It's OK that you post about baseball. lol

    And it's ALWAYS OK to find a stack of books at Half Price books that you can't live without! (I've been to the first one, the one in Dallas. Cool store!)

    I happen to LOVE the Geiko commercials!

  7. I can't even acknowledge a certain baseball player on your blog...

    Oh, and I might have to unfollow a lot of you people on twitter this week. Lol
