
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving... 
That my Rangers mini season ticket packet came in the mail last week!

It's the 40th Anniversary of the Rangers being in Texas!
My Opening Day ticket! 9 days my friends, 9 more days! :)

I'm loving...
This tweet from my friend Aimee. I love that chick, she cracks me up!
I think #racheliscool should start trending on Twitter. Make it happen people! :)
I'm loving...
The latest video from my friend James David Carter of him singing "Let Me Down Easy". I LOVE this song. This might be my favorite video from him. :)

I'm loving...
That I got to see my best friend Mandy a few weeks ago (I've known her since I was 10). Her daughter turned one so I drove down to Austin for the party. The last time I saw her was when Miss E was born!

Me, Mandy and Miss E!
I'm loving...
These baskets I found at Dollar Tree. I know, I know, they are Easter baskets, but I'll find SOMETHING else for them! :)
Too cute not to buy...I mean, they were ONLY a DOLLAR!
I'm loving...
That my friend Laura picked up this copy of National Geographic for me last night at Barnes and Noble. My dad has been fascinated with the Titanic his whole life (he likes to say he was interested in the Titanic before it was cool to be interested in it!) :) This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking. I wanted to get this issue for both myself and my dad!

I can't wait to read this! :)
I'm loving...
The chicken Caesar salad I had for lunch from Corner Bakery. Remember last week I mentioned that I loved Caesar salads? I think Corner Bakery is definitely in the top five of "best Caesar salad".
The bread at Corner Bakery is also very delicious! :)
Have a great day friends!


  1. Oh, I love the corner bakery!! We don't have any near here though. :(

    Now that I've found my own Jesus-loving straight guy, I can focus on looking for yours! ;) A friend of mine has actually met a lot of super guys on None really have been right for her yet, but she's got another date this weekend. Just a thought... :)

  2. I'm going to need to find those baskets. Seriously.

  3. You always make me laugh! Great list.

  4. Oh that salad looks amazing. I love Corner Bakery, but I've never had their salad. I'll have to try!

    Those baskets are so cute. Be sure and let us know what you do with them :)

  5. I got my Red Sox tic in the mail today too!!
