
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Favorite Things About Spring

So, I'm linking up with Neely and Amber today for their "Favorite Things About Spring" post!

Start of baseball season: 
(did you really expect anything else to be number one?) ;) 
Let's Go Rangers!
 The cute clothes:

The beautiful Texas wildflowers:

Reading outdoors:
A few years ago, reading on my balcony.

My birthday:

Spring Cleaning:
(I know, I know, it sounds weird coming from me, but I honestly can't wait to get started on it!)

So, what are your favorite things about spring? Link up with Neely and Amber! :)



  1. Oh hey look-- I was right! Hahahaha! ;) I'm glad I'm going to be back to celebrate your birthday weekend again this year! :)

  2. Love your photos and paper dolls, Rachel! :-) That's a beautiful photo of the flag in a field of bluebonnets (?)

    My favorite thing about spring is being outdoors, walking the field with my dogs. :-) Oh yeah...and my husband too. lol

  3. How could I have forgotten baseball?! Texas does have the prettiest flowers, don't we? :)

  4. I love that white and green dress!
