
Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's OK Thursday!

First, I want to thank Shia over at World According to Shia for sending me this. I won her blog giveaway a few weeks ago. I can't wait to try this out! Thanks! :)

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...

...that I was insanely giddy when I got this in the mail yesterday:
I've been waiting for this day since I was a little girl...
...that I'm looking forward to my first free weekend in over two months. I plan to do some spring cleaning and intense DVR watching. If you call and I don't answer, yeah, I'm ignoring you. No hard feelings, okay? :)

...that this video made me tear up a little (but man I love Simon being put in his place!) It's about a 7 minute video, but seriously, it's worth the watch. It's very moving (in my opinion).

...that I always feel the need to buy a new shirt to wear to Opening Day. The shirt I ordered arrived yesterday.  :)
I love it!
 ...that I'm bummed because Storm Chasers was canceled by the Discovery Channel.

...that lately I've been feeling this way about working out.

...that my hair is in a ponytail today because I couldn't find my hairbrush this morning (I may or may not have overslept and only had about 15 minutes to get ready).

So, what's OK with YOU today??



  1. I usually have something new to wear for Opening Day too. This year, I'm saving my new shirt for Opening Night. And I'm hoping I'll get to watch the Opening Day game ... but I'm spending that day with my friend/hostess and she doesn't love baseball, so I don't want to overdo it.

    Can't wait to meet you.

  2. Yay for free weekends!! I've got a busy few weeks ahead, but April 14-15 is all mine! Lol.

    I love that shirt!! Where did you get it? (Of course, it needs a different logo, lol.)

  3. Um.... didn't you lose your hairbrush about a month ago? I remember singing Veggie Tales to you via twitter.

    Perhaps your next hairbrush should have a homing device...

  4. Cute! I am having a ponytail day too! ;)
    Have a nice free weekend!

  5. I'm sorry that I laughed just a little when you said you couldn't find your hairbrush...


  6. Oh my gosh the exercise picture cracks me up! I feel that way the past couple of days for sure!
