
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday Tunes and Photo Challenge Day 24!

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, my friend Monica and I will be going to see The Oak Ridge Boys in concert on Thursday night. I've been jamming out to some Oak Ridge Boys songs all afternoon, so I decided to use them for my Tuesday Tunes!

I've posted this picture before, but, since I named my cat Elvira after the Oak Ridge Boys song, I felt it was appropriate to post again today!

Me and Elvira (circa 1982ish).

Photo Challenge Day 24: Guilty Pleasure- I honestly can't think of anything I feel guilty about (that either makes me sound heartless or like a goody-goody.) Sadly, it's probably the latter. **sigh** Even as an adult I tend to "do the right thing" (okay, I guess that's not a BAD trait to have. And I know my mother will be happy to read that). I'll admit I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I was not "goody-goody Rachel". Um... maybe that's a guilty pleasure, wondering what my alter-ego would be like. Can you imagine a Rachel who didn't like sports, didn't get along with her family, wasn't polite to strangers and never did the right thing? Kinda scary...hehehe... For the record I should say I don't think you are a bad person if you don't like sports, I was just trying to think of someone totally opposite of me! :)

Baptist Girls Gone Wild- Halloween 2008
Happy Tuesday lovelies!!



  1. I know what your guilty pleasure is-- Chick fil A milkshakes! ;)

  2. You kill me Rachel! :-) It is commendable to want to do the right thing. And by the way, I love Elvira and Bobbie Sue. Great songs for the treadmill - which I'm hoping to become more familiar with in the days ahead.

  3. ...and one more thing, Rachel: It is not popular these days, in our society, to be a true Christ follower. But remember, as much as the world wants to tell you otherwise, there's nothing glamorous about sin. Keep living to serve your Lord. ♥
