
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...


I laughed SO hard. And my friends Tonya, Ashley, and I may or may not have been dancing in the theater during it (we practically had the theater to ourselves). It was a rainy Monday night at a ghetto theater, not a lot of people were there! :)

I'm loving...

That the lead singer of the Oak Ridge Boys responded to my tweet earlier today (I sent a tweet saying I was excited about their concert tomorrow night). He must have read my blog because he thanked me for posting videos! :)

I'm loving...

The comments that my sweet readers send me (either commenting on my blog or sending me tweets). I especially like the one from a sweet blogging friend who reminded me yesterday that being a "good girl" is not a bad thing. You are so right. I would so rather be the person I am than the "alter-ego Rachel". :) You are the best! :)

I'm loving...

This purse. Anyone want to buy it for me?? :)

I'm loving...

That I have Friday off work. I figured I would be out late at the concert tomorrow night and wouldn't want to get up at 6am to go to work. Hooray for sleeping in!

I'm loving...

That baseball season is 71 days away. And it's just 41 days until my trip to Arizona for Rangers Spring Training! :) I took these pictures from my Pinterest baseball board. :)


Photo Challenge Day 25: Something You Made- I made a lot of Christmas gifts this year. Here are pictures of a few of them.

I saw cute music candles at Pottery Barn, but they were $20 each. So I bought candles (Michael's- $1 each), old sheet music (40 cents at Half Price Books for a book) and used Mod Podge to make my own for my sister!
I have a friend who loves John Wayne so I made her coasters. I used white bathroom tiles (Home Depot- 19 cents each) and printed out pictures on a friend's color printer (laser, not ink jet) and again used Mod Podge to glue them down. After several coats of Mod Podge, I used a sealant to keep them waterproof! I glued felt on the back to keep them from scratching any surface.

I made these for my sisters for their birthdays (which are both in December). I used a computer program to put "Sisters" at the top of a picture, then printed it out (again on a laser printer). I used a white bathroom tile and Mod Podge for this project as well (can you tell I LOVE Mod Podge, it's the best).I bought a little picture stand to prop the tile up with.

Happy Wednesday!!



  1. Dang girl! I didn't realize that you're a "Crafty Connie"!
    Thanks for being so super cool and for helping me with my crummy blog.

  2. Love all your craftiness!! And that purse is super cute-- you definitely need it. :)

  3. When are you in Surprise? I'll be there March 14-19.

  4. You are so talented and crafty! I never knew!! :)
