
Monday, January 23, 2012

Phone Photo Fun Monday..

I saw this on Amber's blog and thought I would try it out today!! :) Check out What Makes Savannah Smile for other great Phone Photo Fun posts!

I like to take pictures of...
Me and my friends waiting in line at the movie theater  
Complete series of Smallville on DVD WITH a Tom Welling action figure (I had to send this to the BFF- she loved that show). I just love Tom Welling! :)
Buses that drive past me on my way home from work (especially when they have a Rangers player on them!)
The "before" picture of a pizza my friend Monica and I ordered on Friday...
...The "after" picture of the same pizza (don't judge, we were hungry!) :)
Oak Ridge Boys LP record that I saw at Half Price Books-if only I still had a record player!
The awesome DVD I got for only $1 at Half Price Books ("You're killing me Smalls!")
The kid in the waiting area at Studio Movie Grill- let's hope she dressed herself and her mother didn't do that to her.
Photo Challenge Day 21: Reflection

A reflection of my bathroom mirror. Yes, I have a lot of necklaces. And yes, I have a Bible verse on my mirror. :)
Photo Challenge Day 22: Your shoes-today I'm sporting my black boots! Yes, I realize the heels make me taller than I already am. I can't help it, they were cute! : )

Photo Challenge Day 23: Something old (thought about posting a picture of myself, but I refrained!) ;)

Stonehenge- I so want to visit it one day!
Hope you are having a great Monday my lovely friends!


  1. I like those boots! You just can't wear them around me. :)

  2. That pizza looks delicious! Totally craving some now!

  3. my mother still has her record player and all her old records - i'm amazed it still works!

  4. You're not too tall to wear those cool looking boots. I bet they're darling on you! Love them. And Smallville? I've never seen a single episode but our son owns every one of them I think. lol

  5. Sandlot is one of my favorite movies! That's awesome you scored that for a buck!

  6. You think you have a lot of necklaces. I have about 10 times as many. It is a bit of a sickness! Ha! Love the boots!


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  8. OMG that pizza!!! :-P
    Looks amazing!
