
Friday, January 20, 2012

A Late Friday Post...

I meant to post earlier today but got busy at work (go figure!) :) And instead of coming home after work, a friend and I went to see Beauty and the Beast 3D (I love that movie). So I'm posting this very late (BUT I'm determined to stick to my 5 posts a week "New Year's Resolution"). 

Photo Challenge Day 19: Sweet- I've mentioned many times I'm not a huge fan of "sweets", but I found this picture on Pinterest and loved it. If I ever make cupcakes for a party, I'm so doing this!

Photo Challenge Day 20: Someone You Love- My folks!

With my folks at a Rangers game last season. I know, we are adorable, you can say it! :)
Sorry for the short post! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


  1. How did I miss your 5 posts a week resolution?? That's a lot! I'm having trouble with my three some weeks. hahaha

    I want to see that movie!!!! I think we're gonna go this Friday. Can't wait! :)
