
Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's OK!

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK... have watched all six seasons of Bones within a week period (and the first five episodes of season 7 that have already aired). I'm now caught up and ready for a new episode tonight. For the record, if you watch THAT much of one show in a short amount of time, you will have weird dreams about it. I'm just saying... have cried at the episode of Bones where they killed off one of the main characters. I may or may not have been at my desk at work, watching it on my phone's Netflix app, when that happened. be excited that you got seasons 6 and 7 of The Waltons for only $10. Yes, I'm a nerd. Moving on... think the only time it's acceptable to be really cold outside is if it includes ice, snow and work closures. not be able to get through Brad Paisley's song "Letter to Me" without tearing up. be a little depressed when you realize that this fall it will have been 20 years since you started high school. watch Psych so much that you feel the need to point out pineapples whenever you see them.
It's a running joke that in every episode of Psych, there is some form of a pineapple.
Photo Challenge Day 12: Close-Up

I know, scary-looking, but this is the only one I have on this computer. I miss my long hair!

XOXO!! We are almost to the weekend!! Hang in there! :)


  1. Agreed! Cold is only good if there's snow. I like that pic! Your hair had already grown out a lot when I saw you in December.

  2. how have we missed the pineapple thing??? i'm going to have to start watching out for them now. sheesh - i feel like i have to rewatch the whole series now!

  3. Letter to Me is probably my favorite Brad Paisley song ever! Love him!

  4. So pretty!

    I've never seen Psych and only like 2 episodes of Bones.

  5. My husband is obsessed with Bones! One of these days I need to check it out!

  6. You KNOW I am a huge fan of Psych...but had no idea about this pineapple thing. I am very upset. I told hubby and he doesn't believe it- looks like we have ourselves an excuse to watch it again!

  7. I love watching pretty much any show on DVD in a marathon type fashion. It's so addicting, even if its say Smallville. Dont judge.

  8. The Waltons! I haven't even thought of them for years. I loved that show, especially Grandpa Walton. I'm off to Netflix to see what I can find. Have a great weekend, Rachel!! ♥
