
Friday, January 13, 2012

Finally Friday!!

After having three short work weeks in a row, working five days this week was a beating. TGIF!!!

1. What is the last thing you bought for yourself?
I JUST bought (like about two hours ago) a 20 game ticket package for Rangers games this season. This includes a ticket for Opening Day (April 6). Shoutout to my wonderful ticket rep Jon. He is so patient!

Yes, Rachel is dancing around her office. It looks something like this..


2. What is your favorite meal on a cold day?
My mom's homemade chili. It's beyond good. Seriously, there are no words to describe it. I wish I had some for tonight actually.
3. Have you started looking for swimsuits for this year and do you buy one every year?
I just got cleared by my chiropractor to start working out again (I haven't worked out since October) so, swimsuits are the LAST thing I'm thinking about. And no, I don't buy a new one every year. I bought one two years ago and maybe wore it once last year. It's almost like new! :)

4. If you could be any candy what would you be and why?
Not sure how to respond to this question. I don't think I would want to be candy. Except eye candy perhaps! ;) hehehe...But I would have to start working out A LOT for that to ever happen!

5. What are you most passionate about?
Baseball. I'm sure you are shocked by this since I never talk about it. Seriously though, baseball has been a part of my life since Day 2. On the way home from the hospital, my parents stopped at the park for my Bubba's baseball game (he was 10 at the time). So technically, I went to my first baseball game when I was two days old. :)

Me and my Bubba, circa 1982, maybe 1983
Photo Challenge Day 13: In Your Bag

Here is the purse I'm using right now. For the record, I did not buy a Prada purse, it was a gift for serving on the "fun" committee here at work.

What? I can't be the only woman who has nasal saline spray and a USB drive in her purse! :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!! XOXO!!


  1. What a sweet photo of you and your Bubba! Have a great weekend, Rachel. :-)

  2. 2 days old for your first game? That is so perfect and fitting for you! That picture is darling!
