
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

That my friend Monica and I got tickets to see The Oak Ridge Boys in concert on Jan 26. Thanks to a great deal with Groupon (and $10 in Groupon bucks that I had saved up), we only paid $12 for them (normally priced $34)! I can't wait!
I'm loving...

That after two months of weekly appointments, I'm finally cleared by my chiropractor (I was in a wreck on Oct. 31. I've been seeing a chiropractor since November). This means I can start light workouts again, AND, I can finally settle my claim with the insurance company of the girl who hit me.

I'm loving...

That the Texas Rangers Fanfest is this weekend at the Arlington Convention Center. It's a three day event, I plan to go at least one of the days! Prepare for pictures next week! :)

I'm loving...

That the sun decided to come out today after nothing but rain all week. And I switched flex days with a co-worker so I was able to be out and enjoy the sunshine this afternoon!

Photo Challenge Day 11: Where you Sleep

My bed (and yes, for those wondering, that is the famous Mordecai)


  1. I cannot believe the Oak Ridge Boys are still doing shows! Hahaha. Guess you'll have a chance to wear your shirt! Lol

    Hi Mordecai!!

  2. SO happy this whole car wreck mess is coming to a close! What a long process!

  3. No kidding! I didn't know the Oak Ridge Boys were even still alive. lol
    Hope you have a wonderful day, Rachel!! ♥♥♥
