
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday Thirteen, Thirsty Thursday and Blog Journal Day 16

I asked some friends for some Thursday Thirteen ideas and my friend Monica said I should list 13 places I would like to visit. I decided to make it a three part series. This week I will do 13 places in Texas I'd like to visit (hey, Texas is a big state- there is a lot to see!) Next week I will list 13 places in the U.S. I'd like to visit and then the following week 13 places outside of the U.S I'd like to visit. 

I've lived in Texas my whole life and have never been to the following places (some of these I can't believe I haven't been to yet!) Some of these are close enough for a day road trip. I need to start marking these off!! As I've mentioned before, I'm a history nerd, I love going to historical sites!! :)

1. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, Texas
The Eiffel Tower was built by the Boiler Makers Union Local #902 in 1995 replicating the famed Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. It's 65 feet tall and was once the second largest Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately, both Eiffel Towers (in Paris, Texas and Paris, France) have now been surpassed in 1999 by a 540-foot replica built in Las Vegas. Not to be outdone, Texas' Eiffel Tower sports a 10 foot wide, 4 ½ foot tall red steel Stetson cowboy hat. 

2. Stonehenge II in Hunt, Texas
Stonehenge II is a smaller sized replica of the original Stonehenge monument found in Salisbury, England. The idea was conceived by the late Al Shepperd and built with the help of his friend and neighbor, Doug Hill. It is located on FM 1340 west of Hunt, Texas about 60 miles west of San Antonio, Texas. Most of the stones are man-made out of plaster applied to a wire frame. Some of the stones are real and quite heavy. At the same location they have two imitation Moai, or Easter Island statues.

3. Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas
The Cadillac Ranch, built in 1974 ( relocated in 1997) by Stanley Marsh 3, is located along Interstate 40 west of Amarillo, Texas. Marsh is the helium millionaire who owns the wheat field where Cadillac Ranch stands. Marsh and The Ant Farm, a San Francisco art collective, assembled ten used 1949-1963 Cadillacs burying them nose-down and facing west. They are covered with graffiti and positioned "at the same angle as the Cheops' pyramids." Visitors are encouraged 24/7 and encouraged to add to the graffiti. Just don't try to steal anything. Mr. Marsh brandishes his own form of law enforcement. He has been accused of " threatening an 18-year old with a hammer and penning him inside a chicken coop." In 2005, the Cadillacs were painted pink as a tribute to breast cancer victims. 

4. The Marfa Lights in Marfa, Texas
I can't believe I haven't gone here yet! The Marfa ghost lights are unexplained lights (known as "ghost lights") usually seen near U.S. Route 67 on Mitchell Flat east of Marfa, Texas. The first published account of the lights was written in 1957, and this article is the sole source for anecdotal claims that the lights date back to the 1800s. Reports often describe brightly glowing basketball sized spheres floating above the ground, or sometimes high in the air. Colors are usually described as white, yellow, orange or red, but green and blue are sometimes reported. The balls are said to hover at about shoulder height, or to move laterally at low speeds, or sometimes to shoot around rapidly in any direction. They often appear in pairs or groups, according to reports, to divide into pairs or merge together, to disappear and reappear, and sometimes to move in seemingly regular patterns. Their sizes are typically said to resemble soccer balls or basketballs.

5. Big Bend National Park, West Texas
For more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km), the Rio Grande/Río Bravo forms the international boundary between Mexico and the United States, and Big Bend National Park administers approximately 244 miles (393 km) along that boundary. Archeologists have discovered artifacts estimated to be 9,000 years old, and historic buildings and landscapes offer graphic illustration of life along the international border in the 1800s.


6. The Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham, Texas
This is embarrassing. I'm one of Blue Bell's biggest fans and I've never been to the place where they make it. It gets worse. I have a sister that LIVES in Brenham. Okay, next time I go visit, I'm going to take the tour. I hear you get a free scoop of ice cream after the tour is finished. Yummy!

7. Point Isabel Lighthouse in Port Isabel, Texas
The "beacon" of the southern Texas coast in more ways than one, the Point Isabel Lighthouse is located in the tiny coastal community of Port Isabel, just across the Laguna Madre Bay from South Padre Island. During its active period, the Lighthouse guided mariners across the waters of the Laguna Madre and nearshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Today, it guides thousands of tourists, interested in getting a glimpse of Texas maritime history, to Port Isabel.

8. San Jacinto Monument and Memorial in La Porte, Texas
There is a spectacular monument where Texas won independence from Mexico and Santa Anna in 1836. The monument is a 567.31-foot high column located on the Houston Ship Channel in the city of La Porte. The monument is topped with a 220-ton star that commemorates the site of the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. The monument, constructed between 1936 and 1939 and dedicated on April 21, 1939, is the world's tallest monumental column and is part of the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site. By comparison, the Washington Monument is 555.4 feet tall. The column is an octagonal shaft faced with Texas Cordova shellstone, topped with a 34-foot Lone Star—the symbol of Texas. Visitors can take an elevator to the monument's observation deck for a view of Houston and the USS Texas. The San Jacinto Museum of History is located inside the base of the monument, and focuses on the history of the Battle of San Jacinto and Texas culture and heritage.

9. Texas Rangers Museum in Waco, Texas
No, not MY Texas Rangers baseball team. The original Texas Rangers (think Walker, Texas Ranger- except the real Rangers don't round-house kick people, at least I don't think so). :) It is the state-designated official historical center of the famed Texas Rangers law enforcement agency. It consists of the Homer Garrison, Jr. museum gallery, the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame, the Texas Ranger Research Center and the Headquarters of Texas Rangers Company "F". The City of Waco serves as the appointed trustee on behalf of the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Legislature.

10. Caverns of Sonora in Sonora, Texas
The Caverns is a unique cave located 8 miles west of the town of Sonora, Texas. It is a world-class cave due to its stunning array of calcite crystal formations, especially helictites. These helictites are found in extreme abundance, often with a rare purity and complexity. One formation is so densely packed with them it has been dubbed the "Snake pit". The founder of the National Speleological Society, Bill Stephenson, said of the cave after his first visit: "This is the most indescribably beautiful cave in the world, its beauty cannot be exaggerated, not even by a Texan."

11. Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site in Denison, Texas
It is located at 208 East Day Street in Denison, Texas, is the birthplace of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was born in the house on October 14, 1890, the first United States President to be born in Texas. The house has been restored to an 1890 appearance by the Eisenhower Birthplace Foundation, and is currently operated as a Texas State Historic Site.

12. Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg, Texas
It is an enormous pink granite pluton rock formation located in the Llano Uplift. Enchanted Rock covers approximately 640 acres and rises approximately 425 feet above the surrounding terrain to elevation of 1,825 feet above sea level. It is the largest such pink granite monadnock in the United States. Enchanted Rock State Natural Area, a part of the Texas state park system, includes 1,644 acres.

13. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas
It is located in the Guadalupe Mountains of West Texas and contains Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas at 8,749 feet in elevation. It also contains El Capitan, long used as a landmark by people traveling along the old route later followed by the Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoach line. Visitors can see the ruins of an old stagecoach station near the Pine Springs Visitor Center.

It's Thirsty Thursday time! If you would like to participate, click on the icon above. Leave Vic a message letting her know you found her through my blog. She will take good care of you! :)

I am being simple today and enjoying a nice bottle of cold water (I should really drink more water!)

I'm halfway through my 30 day blog journal. Once again, here is the list.
Day 1- Your Favorite Song
Day 2 - Your Favorite Movie
Day 3 - Your Favorite Television Program

Day 4 - Your Favorite Book

Day 5 - Your Favorite Quote

Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things

Day 7 - A photo that makes you happy

Day 8 - A photo that makes you angry/sad

Day 9 - A photo you took

Day 10 - A photo taken over 10 years ago of you

Day 11 - A photo of you recently

Day 12 - Something you are OCD about

Day 13 - A fictional book

Day 14 - A non-fictional book

Day 15 - your dream house

Day 16 - A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Day 17 - An art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)

Day 18 - My wedding/future wedding/past wedding

Day 19 - A talent of yours

Day 20 - A hobby of yours

Day 21 - A recipe

Day 22 - A website

Day 23 - A YouTube video

Day 24 - Where I live

Day 25 - Your day, in great detail

Day 26 - Your week, in great detail

Day 27 - My worst habit

Day 28 - Whats in my handbag/purse

Day 29 - Hopes,Dreams and plans for the next 365 days

Day 30 - A dream for the future

Day 16: A song that makes you cry 
Oh, there are a few I could put here. I will only pick one. The song "Cinderella" by Christian artist Steven Curtis Chapman makes me cry every time I hear it. What is really sad is that a year after it came out, Steven's youngest daughter died in a terrible accident. I can't embed the video, but you can see it and hear the song by clicking here. You might want tissues, you have been warned!!

Hope you have a great Thursday!!


  1. I came here through Thursday Thirteen. And first I must say, that the Steven Curtis Chapman song makes me cry too. Thanks for your lists! I've never even BEEN to Texas (even though I'm an Army wife and we move all the time!!) but now I have 13 reasons to visit! Thanks!

  2. What a great list! I'd have to think of 13 places in NC that I HAVEN'T been to! :) I'm sure there are some...I'd just have to think hard!

    Um-ahem...NC should be on your list of 13 places in the US to visit...just saying! HAHA! :)

  3. Very cool list! Never heard of some of these, but I'd definitely want to visit all 13!

  4. what a truly wonderful place to live. i must say that there is an awful lot to see there and gorgeous places on top of that! Bryan's grandmother and father have lived there a long long time-she loves it. unfortunately, they are and never were good grandparents/dad to him so they neglected to be in his life...but whatev:) it's still a nice place!

    many songs make me cry too...i'm a sobber for literally everything...:) glad your sticking with that journal. i have a hard enough time sticking to photos a day!


  5. I have seen Steven Curtis Chapman the last two years at the DC Women of Faith conference and each time he does Cinderella, I cry like a baby, my heart just grieving for that kind of loss his family has experienced. I'm not much better when he sings "Heaven is a Face" either.
    I have family moving from California to Texas this month due to my brother in law's job transfer, so my niece is heartbroken about moving. I will have to show her your TT so she has some things to see while she adjusts and makes new friends!

  6. Funny that we both did travel today.... guess we just have that "Great minds think alike" thing going on!

    I left you a blog award!

  7. Great post! Makes me want to visit Texas!

    I have lots of songs that can make me cry, depending on the mood... sometimes tears of joy, sometimes sadness. (I love a good cry, either way! Sick, I know.)
