
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Rambings and Blog Post Day 15

My post will be shorter than usual. I promise to get back to my normal rambling tomorrow.

Day 15: Your dream house

I can say as long as I am happily married, any house would be my dream house (which is true), but I figured to have a little fun (and be materialistic for a  moment). :)

I like houses with a front porch that goes around to the side. Kind of like this one.

I'm not known for my cooking, but I would like a kitchen bigger than the one I have. I saw this one online and thought it looked nice. I also love the arches! I also like how open it is.

I'm a bubble bath girl so I would love a big bathtub. Ah, Calgon, take me away!! I also like the separate showers. Kinda of like this.


I could go on but I'm pressed for time today. Have a great Wednesday everyone!


  1. My next house definitely has to have a bigger kitchen...and I want 2 bathrooms...they don't have to be huge, but I must have 2. Sharing a bathroom with a boy is gross! :)

  2. Love the picture of that house! Beautiful. The kitchen too :) I would absolutely love a house that big, as long as I could afford a maid :)

  3. I loooooove that kitchen! I love how airy and open it is.

  4. i too love to live in the moment of materialism. then back to reality! our home is our home because of the people in it! damn...i'd love to live in these photos...why'd ya have to do that to me!:)

  5. That kitchen is amazing! And I'm a fan of green, so the bathroom looks pretty beautiful too. Nice pix. I love my house, but I don't mind a bit of daydreaming every now and then...
