
Friday, September 17, 2010

Giddy Friday and Blog Journal Day 17

Okay, I have to share this with y'all. So, there is a very good possibility that the Rangers will be playing beyond the regular season (I refuse to say it's a done deal because I don't want to jinx them). But, tickets for the American League Division Series (aka the ALDS-the first round of post season play) are going on sale tomorrow to the general public. I get a Rangers newsletter emailed to me daily (are you really surprised by this?) so we were able to participate in a pre-sale yesterday (it later got extended to today). I knew my brother (aka my "Bubba") wanted to go so I was trying to get tickets for him and my nephew to go with me. Pretty much all day the website was having technical difficulties and by the time I finally got through, it said only single tickets were available (meaning that if I got tickets, we wouldn't be sitting by each other). But, I broke down and did that (just to get us into the game). Unfortunately I could only get two tickets, but they were only a row apart.

About 5 minutes after my order went through, I got a phone call from the Texas Rangers box office. They said they saw I had been having problems getting tickets and wanted to help me get tickets that I wanted. I was floored. I couldn't believe it. The guy (his name is Michael) was not only able to get me tickets together, he was able to get me three (which means my nephew could come with us!) I told the guy a friend of mine had been having trouble getting tickets as well, and he took down her phone number and said he would call her (which he later did). She got tickets a few sections over, but we aren't far from each other.

Backing up for a minute. While I was trying to get tickets, I emailed Chuck Greenberg  (owner of the Rangers) on Facebook (yes, it's really him. He has said in many interviews he likes to be connected to the fans. He also said that he personally replies to each message- he doesn't have an assistant do it). I told him I appreciated him extending the presale but I was upset I was still having difficulties getting tickets. I'll just let you read the email chain between me and Chuck. ;)

Oh yes, Chuck Greenberg personally helped me get tickets! :) So let it be known, the Texas Rangers have the greatest owner and do everything they can to help their fans!! Makes you wanna move to Texas and watch baseball, doesn't it?? ;)

1. What is the first nightmare you remember?
I remember when I was about 7 years old I had a dream that I was dying. I woke up crying. I can't remember ever little detail, but I remember that much. I think I had watched a show about a little kid dying and that triggered it. It was the first time I remembered waking up from a dream crying.

2. Even if you are not a sports fan, what's your favorite sport to watch/play?
HA HA HA. Obviously this question wasn't aimed at me. I think even if this is your first time reading my blog, you can take a wild guess what my favorite sport is!! I blame my Bubba. He loves baseball, and ever since I was little, I've loved it too! FYI, if I'm never heard from again, it's because my Bubba killed me for posting the following picture!! ;)

Me and my Bubba, circa 1982ish. LOVE the socks Bubba! :)

3. If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would you want it to be (jeggings, hats, thigh high boots, etc)?
I think I'm going to go with hats. It might surprise you, but I wear baseball caps a lot. :) I see a lot of women wearing stylish looking hats, but I think they always look goofy on me. I would love to look stylish in one! :)

4. Did you make good grades in school?
I did okay. I had a minor learning disability so schoolwork was harder for me (not to mention my slight case of A.D.D.) When it comes to class rankings, I always say I was in the half that made the top half possible! :)

5. What magazines do you subscribe to?
I used to subscribe to ESPN the magazine, Sports Illustrated and Baseball Weekly (I know, you are shocked!) But in order to save money, I canceled my subscriptions about two/three years ago. Also, all of those magazines are available online so I really didn't need to the paid subscriptions.

Day 17: An art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
It's so hard to pick just one, but one of my personal favorites is Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. In 2007 I went to New York City and got to see Starry Night live in person at the MOMA.

Me (with my short hair) next to Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


  1. Wow that it toally awesome! My dad's a huge Rangers fan..he will enjoy that story! Have a great weekend!

  2. That's pretty amazing about your tickets! That certainly is amazing customer service!!!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  3. Isn't it amazing when you actually run across someone in customer service who actually delivers real customer service! How wonderful! How fun for you!! :-)

  4. I am your newest follower from Friendly Friday Follow. Hope you will stop by Day by Day Savings.

  5. What a great story! I'm in the middle of a customer service nightmare with a company that I might just publish everything bad about I can on my blog, twitter, and facebook!!!! So it's good to see good customer service.

    I would like to look good in hats too!

  6. That is an unbelievable customer service story. I'm from Utah but just hearing how Chuck Greenburg is such a great guy makes me want to be a Rangers fan! Go Rangers! Stopping in from Friendly Friday Follow and am your newest follower! I'm at A Gal Needs...#211

  7. There's nothing like personal service! What a great story you have now.

    That pic of you and "Bubba" is adorable!!!

    Have a great weekend!
