
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blog Award

My sweet blogging friend Laurie gave me the following blog award. Thanks girl!! I enjoy reading about Laurie's adventures and I love her comments on my posts! If you would like to check her page out, go here.

As part of the "award ceremony", it looks like I have to list 7 things about myself you may not know. I know I've done this before in a previous post, I'll try and think of new ones. 

1. I am on a "mission" to visit all the baseball ballparks/stadiums in the U.S. (and the one in Canada). I guess this probably isn't a surprise to any of my regular readers. I have a long ways to go. I've obviously visited the baseball ballparks in Texas (The Ballpark in Arlington and Minute Maid Park in Houston. I also got to see a few games in the Astrodome, the former home of the Houston Astros, before they moved next door to Minute Maid Park). When I went to New York three years ago I was able to catch a Yankees game in the old Yankee Stadium. Some friends and I are in the process of planning a trip to Atlanta this August, so I can cross Turner Field, home of the Braves, off the list.

2. I have a bad case of stage fright (this surprises a lot of people since I'm so outgoing and talkative). But if you get me in front of crowd, my knees start shaking and my voice squeaks. And I usually feel like I'm going to throw up.

3. If I can't fall asleep at night, I watch kid shows on The Disney Channel. It's gotten so bad that I know some of the theme songs now. **hangs head in shame**

4. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 11 years old.

5. A friend and I are in the process of trying to write a novel (we have a ways to go!)
6. When I was 12 my friend Tanya and I were riding a roller coaster and the bar flew up during the ride (there was some malfunction with it, obviously). There were no seat belts, so we were holding on for dear life until it came to a stop. It took me nearly 10 years to get on another roller coaster. And even to this day, I've very picky about which ones I'll ride. And when I do get on one, I'm usually halfway up the hill before I start thinking, "why am I doing this again?"

7. I never learned to parallel park in Driver's Ed (okay, if you have driven with me, this is not a surprise). In the Driver's Ed course that I took, we had to have 8 hours of driving and 8 hours of observing before we could get our licenses (in addition to the 8 week classroom course). On my last "hour" of driving, the instructor was like, "okay, the last thing we have to complete is the parallel parking, are you ready?" and I said no. He was like, "well, that's okay, we'll just say you did it", and he marked it as completed. I hope that doesn't get my license taken away by saying that!! : )

With the honor of winning this award, I now have to pass the award on to five fellow bloggers. ONLY FIVE?? I enjoy all the blogs I read, so I hate to just list five. I would like to pass the award on to everyone (but alas, I cannot). So, here are five blogs that I love reading every chance I get!! Check them out!!



  1. I'm a new follower from Tuesday Tag-Along.
    I hope you'll come check me out at PS Mom Reviews and follow me too!

  2. Awww thanks Rachel! I love your list...the roller coaster thing gave me chills and freaked me out a bit, and the driver's ed thing is pretty funny!

    Have a great week...what's left of it!

  3. I love Disney! Ahhhhhaaaaaa.... my girls watch it to fall asleep too:) thanks babe:) enjoy ur day!!!!

  4. Great list! I am a horrible parallel parker as well. Fortunately, there aren't many places around here that I need to know how.

  5. Congrats! I laughed all the way through your 'seven things about me' list. :-) How fun to read! And about sending it on to five fellow bloggers - I think that originally started out as 10. Someone downsized along the way - for good reason! :-)
