
Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Friday!

Okay, this time I will use all the questions from this week's Five Question Friday!
Have a great weekend y'all! Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! I'm heading "home" this afternoon to spend the weekend with my dad! : )

1. What is your favorite thing about summertime?
Would you be surprised if I said going to baseball games? ;) I know, I NEVER talk about baseball on my blog! ;) I also like going out with friends, either to the lake, an outdoor concert, or perhaps a BBQ at someone's house.

2. What is your ideal retirement location (if money didn't matter)? 
I would like to travel once I'm retired. So I'm not sure where I would want my "home" location to be just yet.

3. Do you live in the same town you grew up in?
No, I haven't lived there since I graduated high school. And that's been 14 years ago. WOW, it's been 14 years since I graduated high school. Where does the time go?

4. What nervous habit did you have as a child that you kicked to the curb before becoming an adult?
I honestly can't think of a "nervous" habit. I know I had a bad habit of smacking my chewing gum when I was little. I HOPE that I've gotten that under control. ;)

5. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while on the job?
When I was working as a sports editor of a weekly newspaper, I was covering the local rodeo (I had to write the article and take the pictures). I wanted to get better pictures of the bull riding, so two cowboys offered to lift me up to the platform where the shoot was (the area where the cowboys get on the bull). They weren't paying attention (and neither was I), and when they lifted me up, I hit my head on this metal bar that was used as a railing. I played it off like I was okay at first, but later that night I went to the ER with a concussion. The next week at work I had roses delivered to my office. They were to: "The cute reporter at the rodeo from [the name of the paper] with the tan shorts, blue blouse, white tennis shoes and beautiful smile. From: A secret admirer." I'm so glad they didn't include "concussion" on that description!

The Girl Creative


  1. Hi Rachel,

    found this blog from FFF. a new follower now. Nice to meet you!!

  2. Hi Rachel,
    Found you on FFF. So, with a recommendation of where to live when you retire: Northern England or Western England. Both are gorgeous, full of history, and come with a great British accent, of course. Lots of castles and abbeys!!! Unfortunately, you kinda have to be independently wealthy cuz it's expensive to live there.

    I blog once a week about England cuz I LOVE IT. Anyway, always love to see another Christ follower blogger. :-)

  3. AnonymousJune 18, 2010

    I love your roses from the rodeo story! How adorable!

  4. My goodness ur tooooo cute:) what a doll!
