
Thursday, November 1, 2012

What I'm Loving...Thursday

I had a post all ready for "What I'm Loving Wednesday", but didn't get a chance to upload it yesterday. So, I decided to do a What I'm Loving Thursday post instead!!

I'm loving... 
That I got to attend my great-nephew E's birthday party last weekend. A portion of my family was there and it's always fun to hang out with them!
If you couldn't tell, E had a Sesame Street theme!
Aunt Rachel and the birthday boy!
I'm loving...
That I got to spend so much time with my two snuggle bugs this past weekend!
C sitting on Aunt Rachel's lap, showing her a game on the iPad.
E showing Aunt Rachel his new Jake and the Neverland Pirates ship!
I'm loving...
That my company allows employees to bring kids to go trick or treating around the office. Granted, we get no work done the afternoon they are here, but the kids enjoy it. We also have a few employees that dress up for the occasion!

I'm loving...
That I can stream Netflix on my iPhone. Not that I would ever do that at work now that we have WiFi. And not that I'm watching Thor right now.
Hello there Thor...
I'm loving...
My new T-shirt from Norma's Cafe. They sent me a tweet a while back saying next time I went in, I could have a free shirt. Weehoo!!
Best chicken fried steak (and sweet tea) in the Dallas area. A must visit if you are in town!
I'm loving...
That I'm going out of town to see my sister Mary this weekend. We are going to my nephew's football game on Friday night then "painting the town red" on Saturday. Please have bail money ready. ;) I'm excited that my sister Martha will also be there on Friday night for the football game (it's senior night for the players).
Me and my sisters with our dad last year at Thanksgiving. (l-r) Martha, my dad, Mary, and me. Yes, I know, I'm the tall one of the bunch.
Have a great day!!



  1. The kids are so cute! Enjoy your weekend with your sisters traveling girl!

  2. That's an awesome thing your company does. It probably breaks up the work day and gives the kiddos a chance to show off their costumes. Plus, it gives people (like me) who don't otherwise get to see kids in costumes a chance to do just that.

    You have to take me to Norma's next time I come to Texas. I love diner/comfort food.

  3. Hello thor is right! Love that movie (and any / everything he is in). That is awesome your work does that! Looks like your nephew had a great party!

  4. Sesame street bday party?! Adorable!

    Now, I want chicken fried steak. Yum.

  5. Oh favorite! You are so stinking cute with your nephews!- love that picture of you and the bday boy!

  6. Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I always love your blog, Rachel, and you make me laugh and smile!
