
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Trip to Blue Bell Country...

I know, I know. I'm slacking with my blog posts again. Is there any way we could add like two more hours to the day so I have time to blog? Since we "fell back" with the time change, by the time I get home from work it's already dark. Am I the only person who is all of a sudden worthless after 7pm? I'm exhausted by then.

A few weeks ago I went out of town to Brenham (home of Blue Bell ice cream) and attended my nephew Jake's senior night football game. His team's win that night made them the district champions! My folks and both of my sisters were there. My nephew James (Jake's brother) made the trip from Texas Tech to support his brother, and my niece Alice brought her two boys, my great-nephews C and E. 

Before the game all the seniors were introduced with their parents. My brother-in-law passed away in 1999, so James helped my sister Mary escort Jake out when his name was called. 
My sister with her two boys. Their height comes from their dad's side of the family. :)
I don't believe C and E had ever been to a football game, so this was a new experience for them. C loved it and loved cheering with the crowd. E thought that Aunt Rachel cheered too loud (this may or may not be true. Okay, yeah, it's true. My family gets VERY animated during sporting events). :)

High school playoffs start this week- go Cubs! :)
Left: Me and my sister Mary; top right: Before the game with my nephews James and E; bottom right: me and my niece Alice. We are about six years apart in age, and our whole lives people have thought we are sisters. We are very close, so we practically are! :)
After the game, Jake took time for pictures with his grandparents and his favorite aunt!
Me with my beautiful sisters Mary and Martha. Yes, we have very Biblical names!
Brenham Cubs-District champs! I believe these are the seniors on the team. Jake is on the back row to the right (#10).
While I was in Brenham, I FINALLY made it to the Blue Bell Factory! (I can mark that off my 101 in 1001 list!) They don't have tours on Saturdays, but the gift shop and ice cream parlor portion is still open. They do show a video in the parlor area which basically shows everything you would see on the tour. Honestly, I just wanted the Blue Bell, I was okay with no tour. :)
About to enter "The Promised Land".
Blue Bell Country!
I learned that Blue Bell employees get ALL THE BLUE BELL THEY CAN EAT in their break room. FOR FREE. I think I would weigh 600 pounds if I worked there. I guess they take their motto of "We eat all we can, and we sell the rest" VERY seriously!! :)
Me and Mary rocking our Blue Bell hats!
While I was visiting, we walked around Brenham for a while. It is a cute little town (well, little compared to Dallas). There are a lot of shops in the downtown area, including some antique shops (which I love). If you ever find yourself in Brenham, I recommend taking the time to walk around. The residents are super nice, and you can pretty much find Blue Bell ice cream anywhere! :)

I like to think this sign is on the gates to heaven.

I made a new friend at one of the furniture stores in town...
There were hand towels in a booth that was set up in one of the shops. I liked these the best.
Oh, since I am talking about nephews in the playoffs, I have to give a quick shout out and good luck wish to my nephew Peter, who is also a senior. His football team is in the playoffs this weekend too!! Go Cougars! Thankfully Jake and Peter's schools are in different divisions, so they wouldn't end up playing each other in any games during the playoffs. There will be peace in the family! :)

Peter after his last home game of the regular season.
Hope everyone is doing well!! I'm trying to catch up on all my blog commenting (sometimes I have a bad habit of reading, but not leaving a comment). I'm still reading your blogs though!! :)



  1. Remind me never to work for Blue Bell! I love their Ice Cream! I sure hope your nephews don't go to different colleges that are rivals. That is going to make that turkey & ketchup thanksgiving dinner uncomfortable!

  2. It is so funny to me that you have nieces and nephews who are the same age and older than you! By the way MA is practically the ice cream capital of the world. We love our ice cream here so when you visit we can do an ice cream crawl! Haha

  3. Rachel, I always love seeing your family photos. You have your expections of heaven set WAY TOO LOW. Make that Hagendaas.(sp) LOL
