
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

It's time to catch up on What I'm Loving Wednesday! Trying to give more of a recap of what I've been up to the past month!

I'm loving...

Shopping with friends. Last month my friend Laura and I spent the afternoon doing our part to help out the economy by shopping at Kohl's. I look at it this way: Kohl's killed a tree in order to print me a 30% off coupon. I don't want that tree's death to be in vain, so I went shopping (yes, I'm a shopaholic, I'm full of excuses). :)
Having fun trying on hats! I tried to get Laura to buy this one but she said no.
My cowgirl look!
I'm loving...

Meeting more of my Twitter friends! So far this summer I've been able to meet up with a handful of my Twitter peeps, it's been great!

I'm loving...

Pedicures. I got a MUCH NEEDED pedicure last weekend. I know some people don't like pictures of feet (you know who you are), so just don't look. :)
I'm pretty sure the lady painting my toenails was making fun of my toes. She kept talking to her friend and holding up my foot while laughing. Or maybe I'm self-conscious. :)
My Ranger blue toenails! :)
I'm loving...

That today 7-11 is giving away free Slurpees (in honor of it being 7/11). I'm so going to stop by and get one on my way home!
The free Slurpees aren't THIS big, but still, any size Slurpee is better than none! :)
I'm loving...

Going to Rangers games with my friends. During my "blogging sabbatical" I did nothing but work and watch baseball (I'm sure you are shocked). I love being able to go to games with my "baseball homies". :) Something about going to a baseball game just makes my day so much better (especially when they win). In fact, the past 13 Rangers games I've been at this season, they have won. I think they need me there! :)
My friend Leah and I representing an old school duo! :) Yes, my purse is shaped like a baseball (are you surprised?)
Me and my friend Beks. This is the first time in our 8-year friendship her hair has been shorter than mine! She just got it cut so she could donate it! :) It looks great!
Aren't we just adorable?
They play this song after a Rangers win at the Ballpark- I LOVE hearing it! :)

I'm loving...

Late birthday presents. My friend Beks gave me this awesome bracelet the other day. I LOVE IT!!

I'm loving...

That I had a relaxing day off for the 4th of July. I did nothing but hang around my pool and watch TV. I was able to see the local fireworks from my front steps, so I didn't even have to leave my apartment complex all day. It was nice!
Blinding people with my pale legs
I'm sexy and I know it...
The picture isn't that great, but it was a good view of the fireworks. I even played patriotic music during the show on my Pandora iPhone app. :)

I'm loving...

That I have been cooking more. I've become a big fan of cooking steaks on my George Foreman grill. I recently found this steak seasoning- it's awesome (of course, you can probably guess the main reason I bought it- but it's really good. Hey, I TRUST anything that is endorsed by Nolan Ryan!) :)
I also buy Nolan Ryan steaks- they sell them at Kroger. Again, I trust Nolan. :)
Sorry for the long post, just trying to get a little more caught up. Hope everyone is having a great week!!



  1. First I look silly stupid in that hat. No really. Second, that steak seasoning is amazing on grilled chicken and in turkey burgers too. Third, you are adorable!

  2. A few things ...

    ... I need that baseball purse.
    ... You need to go to more games (the boys need you).
    ... I'm so glad I got to meet you at the beginning of the season. I wish I'd known you, Laura, etc. when I lived in Texas a few years ago. I might not have left in such a hurry.

  3. Oh my goodness, it's a Rachel blog!!!


  4. You are a baseballaholic!
