
Monday, July 9, 2012

Tim McGraw/Kenny Chesney Concert Recap

Okay, so I'm only a MONTH late getting this recap up. Last month the BFF and I went to see Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney in concert at Jonestown (AKA Cowboys Stadium). We have been talking about seeing Kenny Chesney for years, so I was excited we finally got to go! I had also never seen Tim McGraw in concert so it was "doubly awesome" (is that a phrase? If not, I'm making it one). Jake Owen and Grace Potter opened for them. I LOVE Jake Owen but Grace Potter, I wasn't as impressed with (just not my style).

Jake did a great job, I really like his voice. He interacted well with the crowd (which unfortunately was pretty light since he was the first opening act). He even signed autographs while he was singing. At one point he laid down on the stage, grabbed this lady's camera, and took a picture of the both of them. I thought that was pretty awesome.

Again, not many good things to say about Grace Potter, so I'll skip her part. 

Tim performed next and I have to say, I LOVED HIM! It's hard to believe I've been listening to him for almost 20 years! A lot of his songs take me back to high school and college. I loved that he did a lot of his "old stuff". He also signed a lot of autographs while on stage.

Kenny started his show on the "mini" stage that was set up a ways down from the "main" stage. Props to the BFF, she called it that he would start the show there. We kept wondering how he was going to get from that little stage to the main stage (there was no walkway). When he moved to the big stage, he got on this "ski-lift" type thing and "flew" over the crowd to the main stage. Pretty cool! I have to say, Kenny is probably one of the best concerts I've ever been to. After every song he would thank his fans and blow kisses. He also interacted a lot with the fans, signing autograph and taking pictures. (I have never been to a concert where the singers signed so many autographs while singing). At one point in the concert Cowboys tight end Jason Witten came on stage to sing along to Kenny's hit "Boys of Fall". 

Tim McGraw came back on for the encore and they both sang "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" (Kenny's song) and "Indian Outlaw" (Tim's song). 

At the end of the concert Kenny, Jake, Grace, and Tim all signed a guitar, and Kenny gave it to some kid on the front row. Very cool.

Kenny being lifted to the main stage. Picture stolen from the internet
Tim and Kenny during the encore. Picture stolen from the internet
My pictures aren't the best because I only had my phone (long story about what happened to my camera), but I wanted to share some! :)

Me and the BFF waiting on the concert to start
Our view of the stage
Our view of the "Jerry-tron"
Jake Owen

I liked that Jake's drummer was wearing a Bazinga shirt! :)
The guy who took this picture was having problem using my iPhone camera. Oh well, it's still cute! :)
Tim McGraw!

They opened the roof before Kenny took the stage

My summer concert series continues this weekend with Rascal Flatts on Friday. I'll try and not let a month go by before I give my recap on it!



  1. Looks like an awesome concert!! (Even though it was country music... lol)

  2. I really want to go to this concert. They are coming to Foxboro (where the Pats play) in Aug but tickets are sold out. If I could find someone to go I would consider getting them from a ticket agent. Glad you had fun!

  3. I went to the show in Nashville. It was so amazing!!
