
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

That I bought a 20 game ticket package from the Rangers last month (which guaranteed me a ticket to Opening Day) because I did not win the lottery drawing for the opportunity to buy Opening Day tickets.
So far none of my friends were picked for the lottery. :(
I'm loving...

That Spring Training has officially started. Two weeks until my trip to Arizona!! :)

I'm loving...

The cute purse I found thrift store shopping last week (see post here). It's a book purse, very fitting for a book nerd worm enthusiast such as myself! ;)
There is a zipper pouch inside.
I'm loving...

The homemade soap I bought from my friend Judy. Did you miss my post yesterday about it? Please click here to read all about it!! Or click the picture below to check out her website!

I'm loving...

That new episodes of Psych return NEXT WEEK!! **happy dance**

I'm loving...

The current temperature here in Dallas:

I'm loving...

This pin from Pinterest. It kinda sums up how I'm feeling about work today.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Wednesday!!



  1. I'm SOOOOO excited about the Psych premiere!! Why couldn't it have been that warm two weeks ago?? Lol

  2. Ps-- you've been on a purse-buying spree recently! Lol. Was the thrift store anything worth going back to?

  3. Sounds like a lovely Wednesday all the way around! I'm looking forward to hockey playoffs when I'll be in tomboy girl heaven! :D

  4. Cannot express the joy my heart feels for Spring Training to finally be here!

  5. I have never shopped thrift stores until today. I found a brand new sofa & a totally old coffee table and I got both for $107.99 at CCA. I am sold. Now if I could just get them to deliver!!!

  6. You are one serious Rangers fan, girl!! I guess I suspected that, but this post convinced me. :-)

    Thank you so much for the nice post about my soaps. How sweet are you! I hope you enjoy them.♥

  7. We no longer have cable... I am going to miss Psych. It's not the same watching on-line.
    Love the purse!
