
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday 13- Dream Library

As my regular readers know, I love to read. I have many bookcases in my apartment (and some books stacked up in the living room because I've run out of shelf space). Yes, yes, I know, electronic books are much more practical, but I can't help it, I like holding a real book, I can't explain it.

Well, after telling myself I wouldn't create a Pinterest board of rooms/items I would want in my "dream home", I caved and started one (see it here). I have found some of the cutest ideas for personal libraries, I thought I would share them for my Thursday 13 today! Hopefully ONE DAY I will have one of these! :)

The only thing I would need is curtains or blinds. I've seen too many scary movies. I'd freak myself out in this room at night! Side note: Seeing the piano in this room makes me want to start practicing again!
I love the window seat!
I always wanted a secret passage in my house when I was a kid. A library is the perfect spot for one!
I'm not sure what I think of this one yet, it's unique looking, that's for sure!
I love the ladder going up to the higher shelves.
Yes, I probably have enough books to fill all the shelves in this one!
I know, this is unrealistic, but still, I love it!
This is probably more realistic of what I'll actually have. Cute and simple.
The secret passages/secret rooms seem to be a popular idea!
Don't care for those lights, but I like the books above the door.
Another window seat!
Cute! Looks like there is a lot of natural light, perfect for reading during the day!
I like this, minus the TV. I don't need a TV in my library! :)

We are almost to the weekend, hang in there friends!! Check out more Thursday 13 lists here!


  1. I love them all! The hidden passage one is wonderful! This is one of the next projects I want to tackle at my house. :D

    Thanks so much for sharing - I've been looking for ideas.

    My TT:

  2. I love window seats!! And the secret door is awesome. :)

  3. My favorite is #11. Some look too overloaded with books.

  4. A secret passage would be SO cool! I keep thinking when I get my future iPad I will read more b/c the book will always be w/ me! We shall see. I love to read I just never make the tire b/c I'm always so tired (stupid MS)!

  5. Rachel, I LOVE all those libraries!! And if I had a Facebook acct. I would pin them too. I understand that Pinterest only works if you have Facebook? Anyway, the one you said was 'unique' I think has a loft reading area at the top. Kinda looks like that. And I love the books between the steps. GREAT photos. :-)

  6. I'm with you. I have some e-books and it is really nice at night but it doesn't compare to paper. We will have to go thrift shopping for book shelves. I need some too. LOL

  7. love window seats .. with big pillows .. my son used to have a reading corner, big bean bag, lots of pillows, surrounded by books!

  8. So fun! I want the Beauty and the Beast library. :)

  9. I want to build EVERY one of these libraries!
