
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

I'm loving...

My Netflix iPhone app. I mentioned yesterday I've discovered the TV show Bones. Thanks to the app I'm able to watch episodes on my commute to work (no, I'm NOT driving the carpool this week) and while I'm at my desk at work. And when I say that, I mean during my break and lunch of course, not DURING working hours. I'm all business during work hours. ;) **insert sarcasm font here**
I'm loving...

That I have $60 in Half Price Books gift cards from Christmas. I shall be visiting one very soon!

I'm loving...


I'm loving...

My friends. They are always there for me. ALWAYS. I am so blessed!!

Have a great day!



  1. I love the first quote. :)

    And what lovely friends you have to give you Half Price Books gift cards! ;)

  2. There is a Netflix app? Oh my gosh. I am dying right now!

  3. Am I the only person on the planet who doesn't have an iPhone??! :-) Be sure to watch 'Mrs. Brown'. It's on Netflix, Instant Play!!
