
Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's OK Thursday!

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK... already be on season 2 of Bones (after just starting it on Monday). have had a pile of clean clothes on my bedroom floor for a week. I swear, I'm hanging them up today. not like Girl Scout Cookies. feel that marketing meetings should only be used as torture devices for criminals. only have 18% recording space available on my DVR. already be counting down to Rangers Opening Day. have slacked off on my 101 in 1001 list. I plan to start up again soon!

...that I have switched flex days with a co-worker and am off work at 11:30 today.

Have a great day! XOXO!


  1. Wow-- that's a lot of Bones! Lol. I have a pile of clothes that may or may not still be in a suitcase from three weeks ago... ;)

  2. Hanging up clothes is the worst!

  3. 18% is not that bad! Mine always has maybe 10% available, ha! Between my roomie and I it gets full SO fast!

  4. I've started watching Bones on netflix as well ... I'm about halfway (ish?) through season 1 so far :)

  5. So who told you that it's okay to not like Girl Scout Cookies??? ;-) Have a great day, Rachel.

  6. I am the queen of leaving clean clothes in the basket for days and days. . . such a bad habit! Never seen Bones but glad you are enjoying it!

  7. I HATE girl scout cookies. I'm so with you on that one!

  8. Its VERY hard for me to believe you dislike girl scout cookies! I am not a fan of the most popular thin mints, but tagalongs- yummy! Alas, you have great test in all other things so I will let this one slide:-)
