
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fabulous Holiday Blog Challenge: Day 3 and Day 4/ It's OK Thursday

Sorry, it got crazy yesterday so I missed Day 3 of the Fabulous Holiday Blog Challenge. Never fear, I'll make up for it today. 

Fabulous Holiday Blog Challenge

Day 3: Holiday Decor

Well, since I have a small apartment my holiday decor is limited.

My beautiful tree!
I also have tinsel around my fire place and some decorations on my coffee table. I have my nativity set on my coffee table (with the wise men on the opposite end of the table). Since they weren't there when Jesus was born, I don't like nativity scenes with the wise men around the manger. Call me a nativity scene snob if you must! :) For those who don't know, the wise men didn't arrive until Jesus was about two.

Day 4: Favorite Holiday Movies/TV specials

I have so many. I'm gonna steal borrow Neely's idea and post pictures from Pinterest of some of them! :)

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Told you I had a lot!! :) And yes, I watch all of these every year! 

I know I've given you a lot in one post already today, but I didn't want to miss out on It's OK Thursday!!

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK..

...that I don't like the movie Elf because I can't stand Will Ferrell. be insanely excited that I only paid $8 for the COMPLETE SERIES of 21 Jump Street (thanks to a great deal and coupon at Half Price Books).

I may or may not have watched disk 1 already- helllooo Johnny Depp! try and convince myself that chocolate covered cherries are good for me. be rocking out to Christmas music (via Pandora) at my desk while at work.

...that the chiropractor said I possibly have 6 more months of treatment ahead of me. :(

...that my sister now knows her birthday present because I had to call to see if she already had it. buy Christmas cards at the Dollar Store. At Target they wanted $9 for a box of 12 cards. NINE DOLLARS! Insanity!

Have a great day y'all!! XOXO!!


  1. My very first thought when I saw your tree was "Where did your tv go??" Hahaha

    The Muppet Christmas Carol and the Charlie Brown Christmas are my faves. :)

    ps-- Did you find the muppet dvds you have?

  2. Are there wrapped presents underneath your tree already too?!!?!

    You go girl!!!!


  3. I had never heard of The Bishops Wife until Thanksgiving dinner and now I have heard about it twice more- guess I should watch it! Cute tree!

  4. I think you should start the wisemen out in the kitchen...since it did take two years :) You're too cute, Rachel! Love it!

    <3 Jen

  5. I think you should start the wisemen out in the kitchen...since it did take two years :) You're too cute, Rachel! Love it!

    <3 Jen

  6. And a couple more for your Christmas viewing list: Prancer (so sweet - and with Sam Elliot) and the Muppets' Christmas Carol with Michael Caine. LOVE it!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Rachel!

  7. Ferrell sucks.

    Cherries are a fruit. Chocolate is a good source of antioxidants.

    Good luck at the chiro!


  8. This viewing list is fantastic! So many great classics. My all time favorite though has to bit "It's A Wonderful Life"!
