
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fabulous Holiday Blog Challenge: Day 2

Fabulous Holiday Blog Challenge

Day 2: Favorite Holiday Tradition New or Old

Family: When I was little my family and I would go see the Austin Trail of Lights and the Zilker Park Christmas tree (I grew up in Austin). 

Zilker Tree with the Austin skyline in the background
View from inside the Zilker Tree. I used to look up, spin and get really dizzy! Ah, memories! :)
I would say over the past 10 years or so my family has a tradition of singing Christmas songs on Christmas Eve (my sister plays the piano while we sing). Or, I should say, I attempt to sing. My sisters got all the musical talent, by the time I came along, nothing was left! :)

Friends: There are some of us that drive around and look at Christmas lights every year. We've been doing that the past five years or so. One year we couldn't find Christmas music, so we listened to Michael Jackson while looking at Christmas lights. Nothing gets you in the Christmas spirit like hearing Thriller! ;) I have another group of friends I met at church when I first moved to Dallas in 2004 and we have a "Ladies Christmas Get Together" every year. 

I'm hoping this year to start some more traditions with some new friends!!

Happy Tuesday y'all!!



  1. Oh, the lights look so pretty! I love Christmas lights. :)

  2. Ahh! I love Austin! I was just there for the first time this past spring. I bet the lights are gorgeous!

  3. Fun to read your reminiscences, Rachel! Michael Jackson? lol

  4. Driving around looking at lights sounds like SO much fun! Great tradition!

  5. Ive heard Austin trail of lights is super cool!

  6. I love Christmas lights- I bet Austin is so pretty this time of year! And I actually wouldn't mind MJ instead of Christmas music- it gets old sometimes:-) Hope you are well!
