
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...
All the comments, tweets and emails I've received regarding my post yesterday. It honestly took me about an hour to work up the courage to post it. After hearing some of your responses, I know that I'm not the only one feeling that way (or who has ever felt that way). I was also told I wasn't the only one who needed to read it. God is amazing, isn't he?

I'm loving...
This sweet card that my friend's daughter M made for me. As I mentioned before in my post Monday, my company picnic was at 6 Flags last weekend. A while back I told M (who is 5 years old) that I would ride the Judge Roy Scream roller coaster with her at the company picnic (she LOVES roller coasters and is just tall enough to ride most of them). Since I was unable to ride any rides (by order of my chiropractor), my friend B rode it with her. She made cards for both me and B. Here is mine! :)

I'm loving...
That I just have one more week until I go to my folks for Thanksgiving. We usually get out of work about 3pm the day before Thanksgiving. I plan to have my truck packed and ready to go so I can leave straight from work. I can't wait for family time!

I'm loving...
These pictures of my great-nephews C and E. They had Christmas family pictures taken last week. Pictures were stolen taken graciously borrowed from my niece's Facebook page!

I'm loving...
My friends. That includes friends that I know personally, blogging friends and Twitter friends. I've been blessed to have met some of my blogging and Twitter friends in person this past year. They are amazing and I'm thankful for all of them! :)

I'm loving...
This video. It's about 6 minutes long, but it's SO FUNNY!!! :)

I'm loving...
My new toe socks (it's the little things in life that make me happy!)

What are YOU loving today??

Oh yeah. Don't forget to enter Judy's soap giveaway!! Deadline is THIS Friday!! :)



  1. Aww thanks :)

  2. How sweet are your nephews?! Adorable! Love those toes socks too! :)

  3. I just realized that I was several seconds into the dog video before it looked odd to me. I think I've lived with dogs too long!! LOL


    Thanks for announcing my Giveaway, Rachel. :-)
