
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving...

MY. TEXAS. RANGERS. Last night's 7-0 win over the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim makes it 12 wins in a row for the team. (side note: does anyone else think that calling a team the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim is a little redundant? I mean, Los Angeles means Angels, right? So they are the Angels Angels of Anaheim?). Anyways, my baseball heart is really happy right now. 

I'm loving...

That I bought this gem yesterday. Oh yes, take me back to 1989. Man I loved this show. I watched a few episodes last night. And yes, Ted is still my favorite! :)

A semi-recent picture of David Lascher, AKA, Ted. Be still my 12 year old heart.

I'm loving...

That on July 30th me and my friend Leaneth...

....will be seeing Brad Paisley in concert!

I'm loving...

That I switched flex days and am off work at 11:30 today. **happy dance** I need a nap. The Rangers were playing in California last night so the game didn't start until after 9:00 Texas time. YAWN.

Hope everyone has a great day!! We are halfway to the weekend!



  1. i'm an Angels fan from back in the day, and that name has always bugged me, but b/c of the double city names. either you're of anaheim or LA - pick one!

  2. It always makes me happy when the Angels lose! Yay! I'm gonna have to see if they put Hey Dude on Netflix so I can watch it. Lol. Happy half day!! :)

  3. LMAO you seriously bought hey dude! I heart you! And hell yeah go rangers!

  4. that angels team name cracks me up. as a dodger fan, it tickles me to death that they did that and alienated their fans with it. the one identity they had that separated them from LA and the dodgers is now gone!

    btw, i've never heard of that show! haha...

  5. yay for the angels!! Also, so exciting that you get to go see Brad! That's going to be an awesome concert :) You definitely have a lot of awesome things to be lovin'!

  6. I am obsessed with old sitcoms too ... hubs and I are just working our way through TAXI right now :)

    ♥ Cat brideblu

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am so so SO jealous that you are going to see Brad Paisley!! He was here in Utah for the 4th of July and I didn't realize how badly I wanted to go until all the tickets were sold out...Dang it! :( You'll have to have so much fun for me haha!

  9. NKOTB AND Brad Paisley? Your killing me, girl! Lets trade lives for the day!

  10. I loved watching Hey Dude as a kid. Who didn't have a crush on Ted? He was so dreamy ;)

