
Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy birthday to my dad!!

Today is my dad's birthday- happy birthday daddy, I love you! I'm not able to be there with him to celebrate today, but hopefully I'll go home in a few weeks and we'll have a late birthday celebration at that time.

I thought I would post some pictures of my dad in honor of his day! :) I hope he doesn't mind some of them!

Wasn't he a cute baby?
Graduation pic
My folks wedding picture
His bow tie cracks me up! :)
Ah, the hairstyles of the 70s!
Yes, the adorable girl in pink is me. Circa 1983.
My parents are so silly! :)
My dad with "C" when he was a baby.
My folks with my cousin a few years ago at Christmas.
This was taken a few weeks ago when my folks were visiting me! Go Rangers!
Hope everyone has a great day! Happy Monday!


  1. So cute. Happy birthday to your dad!! :)

  2. Does he need another granddaughter? I am always excepting new grandparents! That picture of you is adorable! And the other one with the baby- so cute! Happy birthday to him!

  3. Great photos! I love the one with the cauldron. lol Happy Birthday to your dad, Rachel.

  4. Love the flashback type post. Pictures are fun :) happy birthday to your daddy!

  5. I like the pics...happy birthday!
