
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Tuesday Helping of Ramblings

Did you ever have a lemonade stand when you were a kid? I remember one time some friends and I set up a lemonade stand (convinced we were going to make thousands of dollars- we were like 11 years old at the time). I think we only made about $5 (which was split four ways). But still, you don't see a lot of lemonade stands anymore. Kinda sad. 

For those wondering, yes, my train of thought does have a caboose with this topic (I'll get into my rant of how mad I am that cabooses were taken off trains another day). My beautiful and creative friend Vic over at Freckles and Fudge has started making lemonade stands for blogs. What is a lemonade stand? Go check out her page here for all the info. She is sweet enough to let me proudly display the lemonade stand she made for me here on my page! You rock girl!
Created by Vic at The Lemonade Blogs
My sweet, lovely friend Katie over at Words by Katie is having a "Favorites Giveaway" in honor of her blog reaching 100 followers! Go check out her post here for details on how to enter and win. Tell her that I sent ya! :)

Katie's blog giveaway! Picture courtesy of Words by Katie
For those who haven't noticed the countdown at the top of my blog, it's almost Rangers Opening Day!! Can you believe it? I know I can't. Today the Rangers showed off some of the new "improvements" around the Ballpark, including the new scoreboard. It's beautiful!

I don't drink beer, but they have a new way of filling beer cups now. That means the lines won't be as long! I wonder if they will fill Dr Pepper the same way? I also heard a rumor of a three pound giant pretzel (my personal favorite Ballpark snack!)

For those wanting to know the new Rangers slogan for this year, here it is...

And last, but certainly NOT least, a few weeks ago I went to visit my BFF Mandy and her new baby. I am finally getting around to posting pictures (I know, I'm a slacker, so sorry!!) Here is Aunt Rachel and baby Effie. She is so tiny!! I think my purse weighed more than her. She is so beautiful too. I can't wait to see them all again. I am so happy for Mandy and her husband Andrew (who will not admit it, but is slowly getting wrapped around Effie's little finger!!) ;)

Yes, my first picture with baby Effie, and I'm wearing a Rangers shirt. Are you surprised? :)
Not to brag, but I was able to get her to stop crying when she was handed to me. Being the aunt to 16 nieces and nephews (and 4 great-nephews), I'm a professional when it comes to taking care of babies! :)
Hope that everyone has a great day!! We are finally seeing some rain here in Dallas, we are in desperate need of it so we welcome it with open arms (as long as it stops by Friday for Opening Day!!) Right now the forecast is calling for partly sunny skies, and a high of 77 for the start of baseball season here in Texas. Wahoo!!



  1. oh my word! that baby...she's just too presh! so sweet! what a pro! you are so pretty rach! i love these photos of you:) speaks volumes my friend! beeee---u---tee---ful....i say that credit is needed but you give way too're way too fabulous my dear! i think i'll stay away from the giveaway and hope you'll win! xoxo we are getting rain too

  2. The baby is soooo sweet! I love it's dark hair! I wish my boys had dark hair, but they are healthy and that's all that matters. I like the new slogan, it fits! Have a great one friend! ♥ BJ

  3. What an adorable baby! So cute!
    Leonie used to have dark hair just like her when she was a baby! Aw....
    Hope your day is amazing!
    Hugs xxx

  4. Ok that beer thing is really cool but I don't get how it works!

  5. Thanks for the promo. :) What a teeny tiny baby!!! And the beer thing is awesome. I can't wait to see it in person!

  6. That beer dispenser is amazingly cool, I don't get how it works either, but how neat!!!

    Effie is absolutely beautiful!!! What a sweet baby, and you look great too, Rangers shirt and all :)

  7. Those pictures of you with the sweet baby are so adorable, Rachel! Love the shirt and love the countdown up there! Your comment about the Dr. Pepper cracked me up!

  8. I'm so happy for baseball season too!!! Also, that baby is ADORABLE!

  9. absolutely adorable!! I love your background. Im obsessed with audrey too
