
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday 13 - What I Love About Opening Day!

With Rangers Opening Day tomorrow, I thought I would devote my Thursday 13 to it. 

13 Things I Love About Rangers Opening Day

1. It's the official start of baseball season. I know, duh, right? But seriously, there is just a feeling of excitement in the air. It's like Christmas morning. I may or may not start dancing!

2. Taking pictures in the bluebonnets on the way to the game. I'm not sure if it's a "Texas" thing to take pictures in wildflowers or not. Pretty much most of the friends I have from Texas, at some point in their lives, they have a picture of them in bluebonnets. :)

3. Tailgating with friends. I started tailgating with some friends and their group in 2007- it's so much fun! We all get together every year (a few of those in the group I only see once a year- at Opening Day). We have burgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks, peanuts, sunflower seeds- there is one sweet girl who even gives out "party favors" every year, including a pack of baseball cards!

Hope my pale, pastely white arms didn't blind you!
Tailgating in 30 degree weather!
My peeps!
4. The ever-changing Texas weather can make the day very interesting. I've been at Opening Day when it was so hot I was in capris and a tank top and other times when it was so cold I was wrapped up in a blanket. Per Greg Fields at WFAA, it's supposed to be sunny and 85 tomorrow, so it's PERFECT baseball weather!!
We learned the hard way in 2006 to ALWAYS take sunscreen with us. I had the weirdest sunburn after this game.
Opening Day 2007- oh so cold. It snowed the day after this game! The guy behind us in the T-shirt was crazy for not having a jacket! Brr!!    

Opening Day 2008- this day is unforgettable because we were in a wreck on the way home. I had my first (and hopefully last) ambulance ride that day!
Opening Day 2009- colder than 2007!
It was comfortable last year- although in the afternoon it got a little cooler.
5. The singing of the Star-Spangled Banner. Yes, I know they sing it before every game, but before Opening Day, the presentation of the colors and the huge American flag on the field just gives me chills. I'm excited that Mercy Me is singing the National Anthem before tomorrow's game- I love them!

6. The traditional flyover. About the time the singer(s) get to "O' say does that star-spangled banner yet wave..", be prepared for the flyover. It's exciting!

I stole, borrowed this last picture from the internet! ;)
7. Knowing it's a work day and I'm NOT at work. There is something about it being a weekday when I should be at work, but yet, I'm out having fun at a baseball game. It just makes the day better! And the majority of my co-workers know where I'm at (it might be because I've had a countdown outside my office door since December!)

8. Being able to hang out with friends. One reason I love baseball is that it's a great sport to watch and still be able to socialize with friends. I even have friends that aren't as obsessed passionate about baseball that enjoy going to games.

9. Ceremonial first pitch. It's exciting to find out who it's going to be (we've had everyone from former presidents to local legends throw it out in previous years). This year it's going to be former Rangers players Jeff Burroughs and Charlie Hough.

10. The bald eagle. I don't know if they do this at all ballparks, but every Opening Day I've been at over the past 7 years, a bald eagle has flown down from the top of the scoreboard to his "keeper" on the field. He is so beautiful (the eagle, not the keeper!)

My friend was able to snap this close up picture of the eagle a few years ago!
11. The team introduction. Opening Day is one of the few times the WHOLE team is introduced (and not just the starting line up).

12. The raising of the AL Championship flag. Okay, this is a new one for Rangers fans. Hopefully next year it will be a World Series flag! But we'll take the AL Championship for now!

13. Good luck kisses. Okay, I made that up, but I couldn't think of anything else for my list. :) But I do have a few pictures of getting kisses on Opening Day, so I decided to use that!  (They are innocent cheek kisses mind you! I'm not that kind of girl!) :)

Baseball kisses
For more Thursday 13 blogs, go here!

I don't have a drink for Thirsty Thursday today, but please go check out my friends at For The Love of Blogs!

Peace, love and Blue Bell ice cream to you all! XOXO!!


  1. Love the flyover! It's one of the coolest things of any sporting event. :) Glad you're gonna have nice weather!

  2. sounds wonderful - I haven't gone to a live babesball game before

  3. I like baseball more because of you- everything sounds so fun!

  4. Rachel,
    Visiting from Frecks blog and wanted to show you some bloggie love. Congrats on the sponsor post over there it was nice to get to 'know you' a little bit!!
