
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday 13- Spring Time in Texas

Since it's "officially" spring, I thought for my Thursday 13 I would list 13 things I love about Texas in the spring time (yes, I did something similar to this last year- bear with me).

1. The start of baseball season (if you are surprised that this is the first one I listed, you don't know me at all!) ;) EIGHT days and counting until Rangers Opening Day! I'm beyond excited!! :)

My tailgating posse last year at Opening Day
2. Texas weather. Now, in the middle of summer I can't swear I'll be saying great things about the weather in Texas, but for now, I'm enjoying these temperatures!

3. Wildflowers. I'm a bit biased, but I think Texas has the prettiest wildflowers! :) I've already seen patches of bluebonnets around town!
A picture of me in a field of bluebonnets (this was taken in college- see how young I look!)
4. Pedicures. Yes, I get pedicures year round. BUT, I like having pedicures and showing them off. I think I'm overdo to be pampered and go get a "deluxe pedicure"- anyone want to join me? :)

5. Flip flops. What's the point of having a cute pedicure if you can't show it off? I love boots and stuff, BUT, I like being able to just slip on (or off) a pair of flip flops.

6. Ice Cream. Again, ice cream is acceptable all year round (especially Blue Bell), but I'll always look for any excuse to eat a bowl of ice cream (or a pint, in my case).The start of spring sounds like a good reason to have a pint, doesn't it? :)

I want to know where Blue Bell is priced $1.77!! :)
7. Capris. Can I just say whoever invented capris is a genius! I LOVE THEM! Have you tried to buy shorts lately? Yeah, I'm not showing that much skin (when the pockets of the shorts are longer than the shorts themselves, THEY ARE TOO SHORT!!) **stepping off soapbox** Also, I would blind people showing off that much pale, white skin! :)

8. Motorcycle rides. My mother will NOT approve of this one. But I have a buddy who has a motorcycle and we've been out riding a few times. He and I were just talking the other day how we needed to go for another ride (you listening B? Let's go!) ;)

Bad to the bone!
9. Outdoor concerts. I love rocking out (okay, rocking it "country style" in my case) at outdoor concerts. Now, in the middle of August when it's 105 degrees at sunset, I can't say it's all that exciting, but yet, we still do it! :)

Me and my bestie Brandy at the Brad Paisley's concert last year!
10. Longer days. I don't know about you, but I don't like getting home when it's dark. I like getting home from work and still having a few hours of daylight to enjoy. That way, I don't feel like my day was wasted inside an office building.

11. Beach trips. I haven't been to the beach in a few years, but I'm determined to go this year. Maybe I'll even take a trip to North Carolina to visit their beaches (which would mean a road trip with Katie and Jenn!) ;)
My great-nephews C and E are at the beach right now! I stole got these pictures from my niece's Facebook page! Three guesses who bought E his shirt!! ;)
12. Visiting the zoo. If you live in DFW and haven't been to the Dallas Zoo lately, it's really nice. They did some remodeling recently and it looks really good!

Me and C at the Dallas Zoo last fall.
13. Sitting outside. I enjoy going out to dinner with friends and being able to sit outside on the patio. I also enjoy sitting on my balcony and reading a book!

For more Thursday 13 blogs, go here.

Happy Thirsty Thursday! Go over to For the Love of Blogs and say hello to my lovely friends!! 

This afternoon my friend Dennis and I are planning to take a break at work and have a Dr Pepper/Blue Bell ice cream float. He brought the Blue Bell, I brought the Dr Pepper. Yummy!!

 Have a great day friends!! Thanks for sticking by me while I've been so busy. One of these days I'll get back to daily blog updates!! XOXO!!


  1. Yes, a trip to NC!! I think it's only fair since I'm flying to TX to see you! :)

    I love love love pedicures, but haven't gotten one in a WHILE. I definitely need one though. Ha.

    Can't believe opening day is only 8 days away. Yayyyy!!! Can't wait!

  2. Oh wow--you're talking a lot of my favorite things too! Happy TT!

  3. I'm too embarrassed about my toe nails for a pedicure - well, a professional one anyway - but I'm looking forward to sandal weather.

  4. I love Texas Bluebonnets...they are so pretty! Just the perfect shade of blue! :)

    Come to NC...we have the best beaches! I'm not biased at all! :)

  5. What a great list. You make me dream of warmer temps here in the Pacific Northwest too... I think we're a bit behind you, sadly... but thanks for giving me something to look forward to.

  6. LOVING all the Audrey Hepburn on your blog her!!! I found you over at Scenic Glory and what a lovely blog you have...that Dr. Pepper cup is too cool! Hoping you have some less busy times ahead of you and some fun adventures too! :)

    Liesl :)
