
Monday, March 21, 2011

I can't believe it...

I did something tonight that I told myself I would never do. It was something that went against everything that I believe in and stand for. It was something that goes against all morals that I have. I....I....I watched Dancing With The Stars. I know, I know, I'm ashamed of myself as well. The ONLY reason I watched it (and when I say watched it, I only watched a very small portion of it) was to see Ralph Macchio. Oh yes, the original Karate Kid himself was on it. **sigh** I must say, the man had some good moves for someone turning 50 this year (really, he's turning 50 this year, I can't believe it myself!) 
Not sure how long this will be up on Youtube, but here is his dance:

An ET interview about Dancing With the Stars

And of course, how we all remember him (hard to believe he was 23 when he filmed this). Sweep the leg!! ;)

Sorry for the lack of posts, I'm still really busy. Thanks for the sweet emails/tweets saying that y'all miss me. I feel so loved!



  1. Oh, the horror (I know, I watched it too...)! But not to see this guy, it was to see Kirstie Alley. And they made her dance at the very end. Those sneaky producers.

  2. Haha- I saw a few minutes of this too (while I was doing yoga, very weird ambiance...), I'm not a usual watcher though. My mom watches it all the time though!

  3. Okay, Rachel, it will take somethng quite spectacular to raise you back to the standing you had pre-Dancing With The Stars. LOL

    Hope you have a great day!!

  4. Haha-- you're hilarious. I used to watch this show all the time, but the last couple seasons haven't had anyone I cared about. Even the Karate Kid can't make me tune in. :)

  5. Oh my goodness! You mean I'm not the only person in America who doesn't usually watch that show? Good to know. :) But.... I didn't watch it last night either.

  6. Wow, I cant believe he is 50- he looks way good for his age! You are too funny, once I found out Kendra was on this season I decided it wasnt worth my time!

  7. Saw your blog through Freckles and Fudge and we have a LOT in common, such as our love for Chick-Fil-A and the Texas Rangers. I'm a Texas girl myself. I'd love it if you wanted to follow me back at


  8. Ha, I've been tempted to tune in and see Ralph too! Can't believe he was 23 in that movie?!

  9. I love following your stylish blog, so I've passed on the Stylish Blogger Award to you and shared your link with all my friends. Please visit the following post to claim your button.


  10. I saw your blog won the Stylish Blogger Award on Fort Worth Mom Talk...mine did too! Just wanted to say hi and tell you I'm following you now! I hope you will follow me back...

  11. He still looks great I think! I know I said 50 times, I can't believe he is 49, no freakin way! I hope I still look young at 49, he didn't look a day over 30, at least I didn't think so. You'll have to give it a chance. Some of the dancers are so funny to watch! There are worse reality show to watch! :) Have a great one! ♥ BJ
