
Friday, December 10, 2010

Hello Friday! Looking good!

Once again I've been slacking on my blog- so sorry. It has just been one of "those" weeks. I seriously thought about going postal a few times. Like I said on Twitter earlier this week: "I didn't major in elementary education. Why am I working with a bunch of 1st graders?" I won't bore you with all the details, but I'm SO GLAD it's Friday. It's my flex day, so I was off work at 11:30. I am currently enjoying an NCIS marathon on USA. Yes, I know, I'm so addicted. Moving on...

It's been a while since I've participated in Five Question Friday, so here you go!

1. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
We usually open them Christmas morning. I think there were a few times when I was younger I could open one gift on Christmas Eve. If Christmas fell on a Sunday, I was allowed to open one gift before church- the rest had to be opened after church.

2. What is your favorite Christmas cookie (or candy)?
I'll have to go with candy canes.

3. What's the worse Christmas gift you have ever received?
Oh wow, I can't think of one off the top of my head. I know when I was younger I would always get socks at Christmas. Since I was a kid, of course I thought that was the worst gift ever. Right now, I actually need new socks, I could use a few pairs. I LOVE toe socks. :)

4.  Christmas song you love?
I can't pick just one. I had planned on doing a post about my favorite Christmas songs, I guess I can do that today. I'll post them below!! :)

5. How many trees do you put up?
You mean in my house? Just one. Here is a picture of my tree this year!

I can't pick just one Christmas song so here are a few of my favorite! You would be here all day reading if I listed them all! 

I know this one has been recorded MANY times, but my favorite version is the one sung by the great Bing Crosby. A little Christmas trivia: The song "White Christmas" made its debut in the 1942 classic Holiday Inn. The movie White Christmas was made years later. :)

One of my favorite Christmas hymns! I LOVE Josh Groban's version of it. I am absolutely in love with his voice (I know, that sounds weird, but you know what I mean). He has a great voice.

I may, or may not, cry sometimes listening to this song. I wonder at times if Mary realized who her son would grow up to be. To her, he was her baby boy.

You know, the line, "there'll be scary ghost stories" has always puzzled me in this song.

To see a list of some of my favorite "funny" Christmas songs, check out my post from last December here.

Have a great weekend!!


  1. BTW-that's one of my favorite bible verses (just sayin'). Anyway- I'm here from Fab Friday on "For the love of blogs". I LOVE Christmas and everything that comes with it. "Mary did you know" is a good one- my 11 yo favorite. I lvoe "Christmas Shoes" although it makes me sob. But my all time fav is "O holy Night" and I belt it out too!! I could truly go on and on...I love them all. Well not ALL, there are some that rub my butt the wrong way. BUt most are a delight!!

  2. I enjoyed reading all your favorite Christmas songs! I also like every one of them, with Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree being kinda on the edge. The one I don't like is 'Santa Baby.' My daughter reminded me of it this morning and it's been stuck in my head all day!!! 'Mary Did You Know' is an amazing song.

    Thanks for your comment on my 'vintage' post today. :-)

  3. You are my new favorite person for loving toesocks- they are my favorite accessory;-)

  4. I love Christmas music. Did a Thursday Thirteen of songs I love and had to leave off lots of favorites. :)

  5. I love Christmas music. Did a Thursday Thirteen of songs I love and had to leave off lots of favorites. :)
