
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday Thirteen- Halloween Edition!

Sorry I haven't posted this week- I have been sick for a few days, so I haven't really been on Blogger. I'm slowly getting back to the land of the living!!

In honor of Halloween, I thought I would post 13 pictures of "Halloweens past" as my Thursday 13 post.

1. 1980 or 1981: Cutest bunny ever! Halloween carnival with my mom

2. 1983: Lemon Meringue (from Strawberry Shortcake and Friends)

3. 1984: I believe I was Lucy from the Peanuts gang (I didn't have my mask on). This was at the Halloween "Hoot" at my elementary school.

4. 1989: I think I was a cheerleader. Last minute costume idea (I think the outfit had been my sister's). Forgive my hair, my awful "mullet-y" haircut was growing out here. I'd rather not talk about it. It's a painful memory! ;) Sorry so blurry, this is a scanned copy of a scanned copy.

5. 1990: A black cat. That headpiece was so hot (temperature wise). 

6. 1991: Okay, I kinda cheated and used part of my costume from the year before. I just died my hair this time instead of wearing the headpiece. FYI, the spray on black hair dye does NOT come out easily of blonde hair. It also makes a mess in the bathtub. This was my last year to go trick-or-treating.

7. 1999: French maid. Me and my friend KT at a Halloween party in college. 

8. 2001: A saloon dancer. This picture was taken at the end of a party that my roommate and I had hosted. I was so very tired.

9.  2004: Like, I was this totally awesome 80s chick for Halloween at my office. No, that is not my hair, it is a wig! ;)

10. 2006: Go-Go dancer. I wish I had a better shot of my awesome boots I had with this costume.

11. 2007: Cowgirl! Me and my friend Joe (who dressed up as his wife) at a Halloween party.

12. 2008: Girls Gone Wild contestant. Yeah, this was a last minute idea. I bought the skirt for 99 cents at Good Will. I think the fishnets were leftover from my French maid outfit. I wore black shorts under my shirt and also had a "censored" sign taped to it. I possibly went around flashing people all night. It was amusing. I won a door prize! :)

13. 2009: Gangsta maid of honor: Okay, not really. This was at my BFF Brandy's wedding last year. I just couldn't find any other Halloween pictures in my collection. I think my parents have a few more of when I was younger.

Today is my friend Martha's birthday. A few of us are getting together at her house for pizza and root beer tonight. So my Thirsty Thursday today is going to be an ice cold root beer. Love it!!



  1. Strawberry Shortcake had a friend named Lemon Meringue? I mean it makes sense,, the things I DON'T remember from childhood. *grin*

    I hope you feel 100% soon!

    Happy Halloween and Happy TT,

    13 Inspirational Sentences

  2. This was so fun!! I loved seeing your past costumes. The girls gone wild thing was hilarious - loved that!

  3. I think I see a bad ass girl in there somewhere....whoa....wait ....are some of these the Rachael I know...LOL j/k...I have to say, I see you in your mom and the cowgirl is the best costume ever.:) feel better doll!

  4. #10 is Totally Rad!!

    Nice list

  5. What a great walk down memory lane Halloween style. Way cool.

    Have fun at the birthday party and I love me and ice cold root beer now and then too.

    Have a terrific TT and Happy Halloween. :)

  6. Hi- I am your newest follower :)
    Hope you come follow back-

  7. SOOO cute :)

    what great costumes! I'm going as snow white this year! I can. not. wait. to go out :)

  8. i'm callin it ONE DAY! :) YEA SOUL SISTAS!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  9. I had no idea about Lemon Meringue, either... You have some very fun Halloween pictures! What are you dressing up as this year? We live out away from town, so don't get much (any) kids trick-or-treating... all the more candy for me!

  10. P.S. Hope you're feeling better soon. Sickness sucks :(

  11. i pray you feel better soon Rachel!

  12. Hope you're feeling better. Thanks for the great Hallowe'en photo album. What fun! :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Love the pics of halloween's past!

    And IBC is the ONLY root beer!

    Hope you are feeling 100% soon. I'm getting over been sick as well. Stomach flu....not cool.
