
Monday, October 25, 2010

It's time!

Earlier this year before the start of baseball season the Rangers announced this was their motto for the year: It's time. If you have been following my blog for any amount of time, you know that I'm a huge Texas Rangers fan. I tried to go back and see how many of my posts mention the Rangers. I lost count! I'll admit that I've said being a Rangers fan is like being in an unhealthy relationship- because it  can be. There have been seasons where we (the fans) thought things were going really well, only to have our hearts broken at the end of the season. For those who don't follow professional baseball, the Texas Rangers have been considered a "joke" by the national media (yeah, I'm looking at you ESPN). If the Texas Rangers were a high school football team, you would want to play them for your Homecoming game because it was pretty much considered a win. The Rangers had never been to the World Series, never won the American League pennant and had never even won a post season series. Despite all of that, we remained faithful fans. We love our Rangers.  

Aunt Rachel and her two little Rangers fans at the Dallas Zoo last Thursday

Back towards the end of September the Rangers clinched the American League West division. This was only the fourth time in the 39 years the team has been in Texas that they earned a spot in the playoffs (1996, 1998 and 1999 were the other three times). On Oct. 12 the Rangers beat the Tampa Bay Rays in game 5 of the American League Division Series to advance to their first ever spot in the American League Championship Series (the ALCS). This also marked the first playoff series win for the Rangers. They moved on to face the New York Yankees in the ALCS (the Yankees had knocked the Rangers out of the playoffs in 1996, 1998 and 1999). Most of the national media (again, looking at you ESPN) laughed at the match-up saying it was no contest and said the Yankees would no doubt win that series and advance to the World Series for the 41st time in their franchise history. The Yankees have the biggest payroll in major league baseball. The Rangers have one of the smallest payrolls. I'm going to take the high road and not trash talk the Yankees (one: I have friends who are Yankees fans and two: I know a few of my sweet blogging friends are Yankees fans). :) It's nothing personal, in sports you have teams you like and teams you don't. I won't lie- I don't like the Yankees. But I'm just going to leave it at that. :)

I know I'm giving more back history than I should, but I've been told that not everyone "speaks baseball" so I feel I have to give all the little details that are common knowledge to me. :)

Friday night was game 6 of the ALCS between the Rangers and the Yankees. If the Rangers won that game, they would advance to their first ever World Series. If they lost, there would be a game 7 played on Saturday night. I'll be honest. I was a nervous wreck all day (I sometimes wish I was a "normal" girl who didn't care so much about sports! I was unable to eat all day I was so nervous.) :) Some friends and I had a small game-watching party at my friend Bekah's house. About 10:08pm CST on Friday night, Rangers fans saw something they had been waiting their whole lives for- the Rangers win the American League pennant and advance to the World Series.

I know I screamed. I know I jumped up and down. I know I gave high fives, and yes, I may, or may not, have shed a tear or two. I was so glad I have unlimited text messaging because I got about 100 text messages from friends and family. The news feed on my Facebook page was all Rangers related. All the tweets in my Twitter timeline were Rangers related. Even some sweet blogging friends sent me messages congratulating me on the Rangers win. Now, almost 3 days later it is still sinking in. My Texas Rangers are going to the World Series. And I will be there to see them live and in person next Saturday when Game 3 is held at The Ballpark. :) Oh yes, I have a World Series ticket! I still cannot believe it! Mark that one off my bucket list!

Some friends and I stood in a line for an hour outside Academy Sports and Outdoors about 11pm on Friday night in order to get our AL Championship shirts.

My sweet AL Champion Texas Rangers

Outfielder Josh Hamilton was named the ALCS MVP.

Manager Ron Washington with the AL trophy

 The greatest Rangers player ever, and now team president and co-owner, Nolan Ryan


  1. I remember one glorious year that the Tigers actually made the World Series. A few years before that we had all watched anxiously to see if they would earn the title "Worst Team in History" as they almost broke the loss record. But, then they made the World Series and it was SO EXCITING! So, enjoy the moment!

  2. I loved Josh Hamilton's comments after they presented him his MVP award...that just about made me tear up!

    BTW - I may be a baseball fan after all...I've been watching these post season games...and actually enjoyed it! :) So, maybe there's a sports fan inside me after all!

  3. Thanks for linking up at Making Friends Monday! I am now following you too. I am a Texan also. HOWEVER I am from Houston so the Astros get my love! haha BUT I am so proud to have a Texas team represent! So way to go Rangers! :) Hope you have a fabulous week! ~Heather

  4. I am now following you thanks to Making Friends Monday, and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog;) Also don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog tutorials, you know where to come!
    Today we have a super useful topic about computer security going on, so make sure you don't miss it! Happy Monday!

  5. THanks for linking up with us at MFM. I'm returning your follow from The Thrifty Things. Your kids are so cute!

  6. Stopping by from Making Friends Monday. I GFC Follow

  7. Another momentous occasion which will occur on Saturday, October 30, 2010, which somehow did not make it onto your blog...THE MEETING OF THE SOULS SISTAS AT LONG, LONG LAST!!!!!!!!

  8. um yeah....i'm totally sticking by thE FACT THAT U SHOULD BE GETTING PAID for writing about them!

    can i tell u how cute that photo is...makes me smile...auntie Rach:)

  9. I have been thinking about you during all of this. I was so very sad my Phillies lost to SF.

    I'm praying that your Rangers get a miracle and win the next 3 games.

    Stupid SF...

    Oh and I hate the Yankees.. Just sayin'!
