
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog Journal Day 23 along with Thursday Thirteen and a Thirsty Thursday!

Last week my Thursday Thirteen was 13 places in Texas I would like to visit. This week I am going to continue the travel theme and list 13 places in the United States I'd like to visit. There are A LOT of places I want to visit so it was hard picking only 13. FYI, I'm NOT including the baseball ballparks/stadiums I want to visit on this list. I figured that was a given! ;)

1.Graceland: Memphis TN
My friends and I have been talking about going there for 2 years now. It's only about a 6 or 7 hour drive from Dallas to Memphis. We are thinking about making a long weekend trip up there. We just gotta make plans and actually go. Come on, who isn't an Elvis fan? This one is on my bucket list! ;)

2. Washington D.C. 
There is so much I want to see here: The Capitol, the White House, the National World War II Memorial, the National Archives, the Smithsonian, etc. The list goes on and on. I think I have about a week's worth of site seeing to do there!

3. Chicago, IL
Again, I think I have about a week's worth of sightseeing to do here: It includes a tour of the home and studio of Frank Lloyd Wright, the Lincoln Park Zoo, the Chicago Gangster Tour, the Sears Tower (although I think it's called something else now), and a ride on the famous "L"!

4. Mount Rushmore: South Dakota
I have a friend from South Dakota. She said whenever I decide to visit, I can stay with her family. I think they live close to Mount Rushmore. It is something I've always wanted to see in person!

5. Hollywood, CA
A friend and I are HOPEFULLY making this trip next year. They film the TV show The Big Bang Theory in Burbank, CA. We figured we would try and go to a taping of the show (it's filmed in front of a live audience). Of course while are out there, we will hit up all the famous sight seeing locations, including the Hollywood sign, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Sunset Strip, etc. We both tend to get a little "star struck" so maybe we will run into some famous people while we are out there! :)

6. Yellowstone National Park: Wyoming
I've been to several national parks and have always wanted to go to this one. Plus, I want to see Old Faithful in person! 

7. Hawaii
Really, do I have to give my reasons for wanting to go there? I just have to prepare myself for the 8 hour flight (remember, I'm not a fan of flying!) :) Maybe I could take a Tylenol PM or something and sleep the whole flight?

8. San Francisco, CA
The Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz are at the top of my "must sees" here.

9. Philadelphia, PA
The Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site (I'm a big Poe fan), Gettysburg National Military Park, Benjamin Franklin National Memorial, Betsy Ross House...I could go on and on...

10. Niagara Falls: New York

11. Four Corners Monument
If you aren't familiar with this, it's the location where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah meet. Yes, you can stand in all four states at once! :)

12. Baseball Hall of Fame: Cooperstown, New York
Now, I said I wouldn't list the ballparks/stadiums on this list, I didn't say anything about Cooperstown! Part of the Hall of Fame went on tour and made a stop in Dallas a few years ago. It was awesome, I can't wait to see the whole collection. I'm hoping that I can convince my Bubba to go with me. Since he started my baseball obsession, I think it's appropriate that he go with me to the Hall of Fame!

13. Okay, if I don't put North Carolina and Florida on this list, I'm going to have some sweet friends upset with me. :) So, #13 is a trip to North Carolina and Florida to meet up with some new friends that I've met while blogging! I'm thinking a concert and shopping spree would be included in the trip!! :) Y'all rock!!

Head over to Freckles and Fudge and participate in Thirsty Thursday! Tell Vic that I sent ya! ;)

This week I've been dealing with allergies. Now, I'm not a fan of hot tea, but when I'm not feeling good, I drink it (something about the hot drink soothes me). So today, I think my Thirsty Thursday drink will be a cup of hot tea.

Thanks for hanging in here with me, almost done!!

Day 23: A Youtube video
This one is a classic. The little boys in this video are so adorable!!

It's the 7th inning stretch of the work week. Stand up, sing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame", and get your "last call" drink from the concession stand. Let's get excited, the weekend is in sight!! Can I get an Amen?? AMEN!! Oh, real quick. I am now convinced that the Rangers read my blog. They were sensing my wrath yesterday. They won in 12 innings last night. And the Chicago White Sox did us a favor and beat the A's. Magic number to clinch is 4. I'm still not getting excited until it happens, but I feel better about it today than I did yesterday!! It's time!!!


  1. ahaha...ur cracking me up with your amen-Amen sista:) hallelujah. I hope you feel better. that does look soothing..i think i'll go make some tea now:)

    i lived in NY 27 years of my life and never been to Niagra falls....I suck!:) would shop with you any day! feel better and have a nice eve doll!

  2. I want to see that four corners monument. How cool!

    Have a great Thursday!

  3. I have been to a few places on your list but not all. I would agree that everything on your list is a must see sometime in my lifetime! :)

  4. HAHA! You didn't really have to include NC...but if you'd like to come visit, I'll let you! :)

    DC is awesome because you can walk to just about everything! We went November of was really cool because the elections had just happened and they were already beginning to set up for the Inauguration.

    I feel like I've been so many places...but there are still so many that I'd like to see! :)

    Hope this weekend finds you feeling better!!!

  5. You're my kind of girl - I would definitely have to see Frank Lloyd Wright attractions if I was in Chicago! Would love to visit San Francisco - I've heard wonderful things about that city. Great list! Happy Thursday!

  6. I drove past Mt Rushmore just a few weeks ago. Got some shots you don't normally think of when you think of the place.

    My list is here.

  7. Chicago's on my list too! In fact, I was just looking at taking the train from Mpls. to Chicago this fall for a couple days and take in the Field Museum, Museum of Science and Industry, Art Museum, and other cool places! I lived there a hundred years ago. I'd like to go back and see if Mr. G's (hot dog stand) and Jeno's pizza (or was it Ginos? just off Michigan Avenue) and The Little Corporal on Wacker Dr. are all still there. (probably not. I'm assuming Chicago is still there.

  8. LOVE that you tube video!! too funny!
