
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday Thirteen

13 Things I Love About Springtime in Texas
(it seems a lot of people are using this topic on the Thursday Thirteen website)

1. START OF BASEBALL SEASON: (don’t act like you didn’t know this would be number one on my list!) 4 days and counting until the Rangers home opener. I’m so excited. My friends and I plan to tailgate before the game. And per WFAA, it’s going to be 84 degrees and partly sunny on Monday. That is better than the 38 degrees it was last year on Opening Day. Let’s Go Rangers!!

Opening Day last year..yes, it was THAT cold!!
2. PEDICURES: Sometimes a girl just needs to pamper herself. Last Sunday my friend Pam and I went to get pedicures (my first one of the year). It was blissful!

I know, I know, I have long toes.
3. FLIP FLOPS: I figured this one should be right by pedicures. I love winter and wearing cute boots and all, but there is nothing like only having to slip on a pair of flip flops when you want to go somewhere!

4. WILDFLOWERS: I might be bias, but I think that Texas has some of the prettiest wildflowers of any state. I love driving down the highway during the springtime and seeing nothing but flowers for miles! And it's tradition in Texas to have your picture taken in a field of bluebonnets (even when the poor flowers are freezing because it's 40 degrees!)


5. BEING ABLE TO WEAR CAPRIS: I know, it sounds silly, but seriously, I love capris. They are so comfortable. And these are really cute.

6. SITTING OUTSIDE AND READING: We've established that I'm a book worm. I love sitting outside on my balcony and reading. There is only a short amount of time I can do that. By late May, early June, the weather starts getting to hot for that (so I sit INSIDE and read).

View from my balcony a few weeks ago.
7. THE START OF OUTSIDE CONCERTS: Nothing like being outside with thousands of other fans, rocking the night away (okay, in most of my cases, "rocking it country style").  



8. ICE CREAM: Okay, ice cream is acceptable ALL YEAR round in my book, but I do enjoy going out and getting an ice cream cone with a friend every now and then.


9. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME: I personally like getting home from work when it's still light outside. Getting home in the dark makes your day seem wasted!

10. SPRING SALES: I know, stores have sales all year long, but there is just something about seeing "Spring Sale" that makes the shopaholic in me go crazy!!


11. PATIO SEATING: I know, another thing that sounds silly, but I enjoy going out to eat and sitting outside. It seems less noisy and on a nice night, it can be very pleasant.

12. SPRING CLEANING: I'm sure a lot of my friends will be shocked, seeing that I'm not known for being "June Cleaver" when it comes to cleaning, but I enjoy going through my closet and getting rid of stuff I don't wear anymore. Okay, it's all part of my evil plan to say, "now that I've given clothes away, I need to go shopping!"

13. EASTER VACATION: I'm getting ready to leave for my Easter vacation (my flex day is on Thursdays this month, and with the company holiday tomorrow and my vacation day Monday, I have a 4 1/2 day weekend. WAHOO!!) I am looking forward to seeing my family (the part that will be there). And yes, my mother still gives me an Easter basket. She refuses to let me grow up. At least I no longer have to wear the "Easter bonnet". I wonder if "the Easter bunny" could give me a new tire for Easter? After the flat tire I had on Monday, I need a new one (I currently have a used one).

Easter- 1982ish.

Have a great Thursday!!!


  1. I know what you mean about ice cream--there is definitely a season for that, even if I do eat it all year long...

    You look a bit ahead of the Pacific Northwest in terms of weather... I'm a bit jealous, even though I don't mind the rain...

    Happy TT!

  2. Every year I would get insanely excited at the first sign of wildflowers. To me, that was the signal that spring had arrived. My favorites are the indian paintbrushes. I keep a pressed one on my fridge.
    I remember having to do a wildflower project in seventh grade. I have such an appreciation for the project as an adult since I can identify most of the flowers now and I think that is what made me so excited every year for the flowers.
    Now I'm a little sad that I will be missing out on wildflowers this year.

  3. Those toesies of yours are adorable adorned in spring flower colors! Yes, ice cream. MMM. Fun and enthusiastic post.

  4. yup! reading and ice cream is my favorite thing to do on Spirng time!

  5. I couldn't find your email to tell you I tagged you in an Easter Blog Hop! Come over to my blog and check it out. Thanks.
