
Monday, April 5, 2010

Rangers Opening Day OH-TEN

It's baseball time in Texas!! Some friends and I enjoyed a great Opening Day at The Ballpark today (even better that the Rangers won 5-4). After freezing last year with the temperatures being in the 30s, this year we enjoyed a mostly overcast day, with temperatures in the high 70s, low 80s. By the 7th inning, the sun finally decided to make an appearance (I have a lovely little sunburn to prove it!) Here are some pictures of our adventures.

 Tailgating with friends before the game

The tailgating crew!

Me and Bran. Our fifth year of attending Opening Day together!

Me and Coach T. I used to be a sports writer for a newspaper. Coach T was the coach for the local high school baseball team. I was in charge of covering their games. I hadn't seen in like 7 years. He just happened to be in Arlington at a Rangers game. It was great seeing him!

A view from our seats.

During the Star Spangled Banner.

Waiting on the first pitch!

Roger Staubach threw out the first pitch! Nolan Ryan walked him to the mound.

 In the 7th inning, the Rangers bats finally came alive, and the sun came out!

Our traditional "baseball" picture.

Me and Monica enjoying the sunshine.

Rangers win in the bottom of the 9th!

Salty had a walkoff hit in the 9th to win it! These two photos are courtesy of and

I found this video on YouTube. It seems someone at the game today uploaded video of Neal McCoy singing The Stars Spangled Banner.

Sadly I could not find a video of the man who ran onto the field towards the end of the game (I think it was in the 8th inning). He was tackled and escorted off the field. I heard if you do that during a game, you are arrested and banned from The Ballpark.

Looking forward to the season. If you can't tell, I am officially in my "happy place" now that baseball season is here!!


I found these on YouTube today and wanted to add them here. Here is Salty's game winning base hit!


1 comment:

  1. Glad you had fun!!! I love the picture of the flag on the field!!
