
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Ramblings...

So many things I could write about today, so little time to organize them. So, I give you a "smorgasbord" post. I hope you can keep up!

First of all, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

For those wanting a little history on the holiday, go here. It's interesting to note that the first St. Patrick's Day parade didn't take place in Ireland, but in the United States. And also, the original color associated with Saint Patrick was blue. I'm part Irish (on my mother's side), so I wanted to post this Irish Blessing I found online (I don't know if it's a real Irish Blessing, but it sounded good, so I'm posting it):

On another note: For all my fellow NCAA basketball fans, you know that tomorrow kicks off...

If you are clueless at what that is, please go here (thank you Wikipedia!)

If you are interested in filling out a March Madness bracket, you still have time (the first games start tomorrow, the 18th). For a printable bracket, go here.

Since I don't really follow college basketball until March Madness, I'm terrible at filling these out (although one year I somehow managed to pick the teams in the final four round). I use the old reliable "eeny, meeny, miny, mo" method of picking my teams! : )

As faithful as I am to my home state (Texas, our Texas, all hail the mighty state), I don't see our teams going far this year (of course, I could be wrong-I would love to be wrong about that). I haven't been too impressed with the Longhorns towards the end of this season, and I don't see the Aggies getting past the second round (I do predict they will beat Utah State on Friday, but I have them bowing out in the next round). I think our best chance of making it out of the second round comes from Baylor (now that is scary!) You never know with college basketball. I personally love the Cinderella stories (the ones where the "underdog" comes back and wins it all). Those make for great Disney movies based on a true life story! Okay, I really need to stop confessing that I watch Disney movies. : )

On yet another note: With the regular hockey season winding down (and baseball season just 19 days away), I wanted to post this comic that a friend sent me. It's from the comic strip Pearls Before Swine by Stephen Pastis. It ALWAYS makes me laugh!! Check out Stephen's blog here.

 Pearls Before Swine by Stephen Pastis

That concludes my ramblings for today. As always, thanks for reading!! :)

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