
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

This awesome video that some of my friends and their fellow blogging pals put together of NSYNC's song "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays". I now have this song stuck in my head. For a complete cast list, check out my friend Micah's blog! :) Great job you guys!

It might even top the original video for the song! ;)

I'm loving...

That I have a new great-nephew, JT. For those keeping track at home, this makes great-nephew #5! I'm hoping I get a chance to meet see him soon! :)

I'm loving...

How everyone on Facebook and Twitter is posting that it's 12-12-12. 

I'm loving...

That Whataburger is following me on Twitter.

I'm loving...

How some people will think I was being serious with the comment about 12-12-12.

I'm loving...

That this was the response I got from one of my guy friends when I asked him for his address to mail his Christmas card to.

You don't know how tempted I was to make a Christmas card with a bunch of baseball players on it and send it to him. I refrained, but I wanted to! :)
I'm loving...

That my church's Christmas pageant had real animals, including camels. Yes, CAMELS!

Yes, a real camel. I was on the aisle and it walked right by me!
A little better view.
I'm loving...

That people actually spend $8 on clothing for their wine bottles. Seriously? I think I prefer my wine nude...wait, that didn't come out right... 

I'm loving...

That I was having withdrawals from the Ballpark so I had to stop by the other day. Okay, I possibly had to stop by the gift shop, but still.
You are so meee.....
I'm loving...

That there are only 110 more days until Opening Day!

I'm loving...

These ecards. I've needed to laugh today- these have helped! :)

One reason why I love winter
True story.
If it hasn't happened to you yet, just wait, it will.
I think this on a daily basis at work.
Halfway through the week my friends- hang in there!!



  1. Seriously-- we ALL get it. 12/12/12 is exciting. Whatevs....

    I like my wine naked too... Wait, what?? ;)

    And omg-- the older I get, the more I realize that I'm becoming my mother. It's slightly terrifying. Lol

  2. I need to go to the Ballpark. It looks so lonely. Did it miss us?

  3. Did you see my post today!? So What to 12/12/12! We agree!! Haha! Yesterday one of the nurses said to the patient "I'm not use to seeing you w/ clothes on." As he was dresses to go home. He said you better be careful what you say these other ladies will think something funny! Haha! Of course she meant in clothes as opposed to a johnny!

  4. Glad you liked our video. Thanks for sharing :)
