
Thursday, November 29, 2012

North Carolina Wedding Recap!

No, not my wedding, settle down people. Please, I've only been gone from my blog for two weeks. I didn't have time to meet Craig Gentry the right guy and get married. Trust me, you'll be the first to know when that happens (well, maybe not the FIRST, I'll probably tell a few other people before I blog about it). ;) 

Two weeks ago I flew to North Carolina to be in the wedding for my good friends Katie and Donny. Quick story on how I met them (and how they met). I met Katie a few years ago through a blog hop. We quickly discovered that we both loved sports, especially baseball (we just don't discuss our favorite teams around each other). ;) After a year or so of blog following, emailing, and talking to each other on Twitter, she decided she wanted to come visit the great Lone Star State, so in May of 2011 she made a trip from North Carolina to Dallas (read a recap of her visit here.) While she was here she asked me who I knew from Twitter in real life. I mentioned some of my friends that I knew she talked to. I also mentioned that I had met our Twitter friend Donny at a Rangers game earlier that year (they started following each other on Twitter through me). So, long story short, he met up with us at the Fort Worth rodeo, they hit it off, started dating, and now they are married. So, yeah, basically two people that I met online met in person through me and got married. Weird, huh? I call it a total God thing. Oh, I'm also reminding them that when they have kids, Rachel is a beautiful name for a girl. ;)

Before I get to the wedding recap, while I was in North Carolina, I was able to meet up with another blogging friend, Jenn (who just happened to live near the town where Katie lives). She was one of the first blogs I started to follow, it was so nice to finally meet her in person!! :)
Blogging buddies!
Disclaimer: I am using some pictures from the website of Katie's photographer. They are all "watermarked" so you'll know which ones are theirs. Katie said I had permission to use them on my blog, so I just wanted to put that out there (so I didn't get nasty comments that I was using "watermarked" pictures. ;) Thank you McCardell Photography for allowing me to use these pictures.

Fun pictures before the ceremony. Photos courtesy McCardell Photography
Despite looking like he would rather be anywhere but there, Katie's brother Drew was very nice. I noticed most of the groomsmen had this look on their face as we were leaving the ceremony. What is it with guys not smiling in pictures? :) Photo courtesy McCardell Photography
I will leave out the very long story of how the bridesmaids got lost on the way to the reception and showed up 25 minutes late to the "pre-reception" picture shoot. I was one of the bridesmaids from Texas and not driving, I had no control over it! ;) But it was good bonding time with the bridesmaids! We are all great friends now!

Bridal party pictures before the reception (after the bridesmaids FINALLY got there). Photos courtesy McCardell Photography 

I have no clue why I'm making this silly face. We've decided either someone said something shocking or someone grabbed my butt. Right now we are going with the latter. ;) Both groomsmen deny the charges!
It's hard to tell but I'm dancing in these pictures (yes, we danced in our chairs at one point- I think that is what I'm trying to do). There are reasons why I DON'T dance usually. Perhaps I had a little too much sweet tea. ;)

I was also able to meet up with another blogging buddy of mine at Katie's wedding. Jodi and I have been blogging friends for several years and she came down from Boston to the wedding (she and Katie are also friends).

Great friends all because we started blogs! :)
The picture at the top right is Katie with her Texas friends!
Me with the happy couple!!
I'm so happy for Katie and Donny!! I'm looking forward to their next Texas visit (or my next visit to North Carolina!) 

Hope y'all have a great day!



  1. Yay! It was such a fun weekend. Can't wait to visit you next and for you to come to Boston!

  2. Looks like everyone had a really fun time!!

    Congrats to the happy couple :)

  3. I know you are tall but next to Monica and Katie you look like you are incredibly tall. LOL!! Beautiful wedding and I went back and read your blog of the first trip too. Too cute!

  4. looks like so much fun you are all just laughing and smiling talk about love!

  5. Love your recap! It was such a fun day-- I'm glad you were a part of it! :)
