
Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's OK...

 It's OK... avoid talking about my personal political beliefs. I'm so ready for this stupid election to be over so Facebook and Twitter can return to normal. I respect people for whatever they believe, but I am SO SICK of all the bickering and name calling going on in social media. Please don't tell people they are stupid or incompetent because they believe something different than you. And don't post something political and then act surprised when people disagree with you. Let's just agree to disagree and keep politics out of our friendship (whether it be real or online). You aren't going to change my mind, I'm not going to change yours. Some of my best friends and I disagree on politics, but we don't focus on that, we focus on what we have in common. **stepping off soapbox** start my It's OK post by venting.

...that I skipped my workout last night because I didn't get home until after 8pm and was just too tired. post this link yet again to help out my friend Brian's fundraiser for Make-A-Wish.

...that I think this is a cute picture of Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo and his baby boy, Hawkins.

...that I get bummed when I go shopping and can't find any of the cute outfits I see on Pinterest.

...that I'm kind of excited I won this purse at work. I've been told it's being shipped to me. I have lots of baseball purses, this will be my first football purse.

...that I possibly dance around my apartment whenever I hear this song.

...that even though I don't understand Craig Gentry's nickname of "Kittenface" (someone on Twitter gave it to him), I think he looks adorable in the "Kittenface" T-shirt he got this week.
He's doing the "duck lips" all wrong, I need to show him how to do it! ;)
...that I'm looking forward to the Brad Paisley concert on Saturday night but I'm also prepared to cry when he sings "Waiting on a Woman". (Andy Griffith was in the music video for that song, I know he's going to show it). I need to remember to take tissues.

...that in the past week I've spent an unspeakable amount of money on Rangers playoff tickets (I will hopefully need them) and tickets to a Cowboys game in October. Oh, the things I do for sports. :)

What's OK with you today??



  1. Yes have to agree with the politics being off limits! I actually don't like to see my friends post b/c I really don't want to know if they have different views than me! Ha! It is going to be a long couple of months until the election.

    Have fun at the concert this weekend. Yet again I'm jealous that you are going to another country concert that I would love to go to!

  2. OMG, you and I wrote the same blog. Well, at least we started our It's Ok with the same thing. So funny. We sure did tell them.

  3. I'll be SOOOO glad when this election is over! I'm sick of hearing about it.

  4. Agreed on politics. Apparently half of my friends think I'm stupid. I wish we could all just believe what we believe, discuss it intelligently, go in and vote and then walk out and have a drink/dinner together. I'm a dreamer, right?

    I'm not a Cowboys or Romo fan, but that pic is adorable.

    Re: Gentry. Someone said he had a facial hair configuration last year that made him look like a cat. He does kind of have a cat face.

  5. Totally agree it is ok to vent. Also completely agree on the politics. People don't have the same opinion/beliefs and that is fine just don't need to hear about them constantly!

  6. I love you even more for what you wrote about social media and Facebook- what a mess! And thinking about Andy Griffith being in the music video makes me want to cry as well- that is so sweet.
