
Monday, July 16, 2012

Rascal Flatts Recap!

Since 2005 I have seen Rascal Flatts in concert six times. I think each time I go I say it's my favorite show. Last Friday night was no different. The opening acts were Eden's Edge, Thompson Square, and Little Big Town. I had never heard of Eden's Edge, but they were pretty good. I've seen Thompson Square before and really like them. This was my first time seeing Little Big Town live, and I have to say it won't be my last time. I plan to see them when they come back again, they were awesome!! I honestly think they could headline a show they were so good.

Despite being in the 90s all day, it was actually kinda nice outside by the time Rascal Flatts took the stage (oh yes, five of the six Rascal Flatts concerts I've attended have been at outside venues, during the summer, in Texas). Thankfully there had been a nice breeze most of the day so that helped make it feel cooler (and I also smuggled in bottled water to keep me cool and hydrated). :)

After singing a few songs, Rascal Flatts took requests from the audience (sadly I was in the very back on the lawn so they couldn't hear me). But someone up front asked to hear "Mayberry", which is one of their earlier hits, and that would have been the one I requested, so I lucked out. :) During that song the cutest little girl (about five or six) was helped on stage by one of the band members and she sang every word of "Mayberry" with them. She was adorable.

I guess I could just share my pictures instead of going into details about the concert. It was fun, my summer concert series continues next month with Brad Paisley. Weehoo!! :)
Pictures I texted to my friends asking if I looked stupid in my cowboy hat. They told me to wear it, so I did. Come to think of it, they never answered if I looked stupid or not, they just told me to wear it. Um... :)

Me and Laura in the car before heading in to the concert
The two rival country music stations in Dallas are KSCS and The Wolf.
Our view from the lawn seats
Pre-concert pic- aren't we lovely? :)
My friend Crystal met up with us!
Fans to stay cool
The BFF and our friend Aaron were there too! :)
Eden's Edge and Thompson Square

Little Big Town

Me and Brandy (and some creepy guy looking over my left shoulder)
Rascal Flatts!
The picture on the bottom left is the little girl who got to go on stage, sorry so dark.

Sad I didn't have a better zoom for pictures of Joe Don (right). :)

Happy Monday y'all!! 



  1. I have been singing Thompson Square all weekend. I love that song. It was on the radio coming in. Thanks for inviting me. Next time, I will turn my phone off and bring my camera. I may get baseball withdrawal but I will survive.

  2. Six times?? Wow! And yes I did say you didn't look stupid! Lol that's funny. Looks like a great time!

  3. I love Rascal Flatts! And you didn't look stupid in the hat. :)

  4. I love the hat. Wish we lived in same city so we could go to country concerts together! That seems like a great night with awesome bands! Can't believe you wore jeans. Too hot! :)

  5. I love Rascal Flatts ! They put on an amazing show!!
